Harriet Shaw Weaver was determined to find a publisher for Ulysses as early as 1918, when her proposal to Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press was refused. In early 1920, Weaver signed a contract to bring out the novel herself. By the time she printed this announcement in 1921, however, Joyce had already signed a publishing agreement with Sylvia Beach, whose Shakespeare and Company edition of Ulysses was priced too high for most readers. Both for financial reasons and as a democratic imperative, Weaver planned to issue a cheaper “ordinary edition.” Beach was skeptical that the novel would ever be legal in Britain and resented Weaver for threatening her own advance sales.
Harriet Shaw Weaver (1876–1961)
Prospectus for Ulysses by James Joyce
London: Egoist Press, 1921
The Morgan Library & Museum, gift of Sean and Mary Kelly, 2018; PML 197833