Hebrew Illumination for Our Time: The Art of Barbara Wolff offers startling illuminations—recent gifts to the Morgan—created by this contemporary artist. The ten folios of "You Renew the Face of the Earth" illustrate passages from Hebrew Psalm 104, a celebration of all creation, with images illuminated in silver, gold, and platinum foils. In the seventeen bifolios comprising the Rose Haggadah, Wolff, while rooted in the tradition of illustrated Haggadot, presents a modern interpretation of the texts used at the Passover Seder.
To view the entire Rose Haggadah, please visit the online exhibition.
Hebrew Illumination for Our Time: The Art of Barbara Wolff is made possible through the generosity of Daniel and Joanna S. Rose and the David Berg Foundation, with additional support from the Sherman Fairchild Fund for Exhibitions.
Barbara Wolff, Among the Branches They Sing from You Renew the Face of the Earth: Psalm 104. The Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.1190, fol. 3. Gift of Joanna S. Rose, 2014. Artwork © 2015 Barbara Wolff. Photography by Rudi Wolff.