Charles de Solier, Comte de Morette, (1480–1552) served as French ambassador to the court of Henry VIII on several occasions between 1526 and 1535. He commissioned this portrait medal to commemorate his illustrious career. The round format and high relief of Christoph Weiditz’s portrait bust help convey Morette’s imposing presence, with his square beard and fur-lined gown. Weiditz likely based Morette’s likeness on Holbein’s portrait of the diplomat, (illustrated at right) now part of the Dresden State Art Collections.
Christoph Weiditz the Elder (ca. 1500–1559)
Charles de Solier, Comte de Morette (obverse), 1530s
Inscribed around perimeter, in Latin: Charles de Solier, Lord of Morette at the age of 50
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Salting Bequest; A.507-1910
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London