McKim, Mead & White’s 1902 renovation of the White House included G. W. Koch & Son’s oak parquet floors, which President Theodore Roosevelt's children found to be a convenient surface for roller-skating. Here, the same contractor placed a bid to lay floors in Morgan’s Library in precisely the same style. He later submitted a revised, successful bid of $2,700, along with this explanation:
We have not figured this work to see how cheaply we could do it, but have made out prices so that we can afford to do this work in the very best manner possible, both as to workmanship, and material, as we presume that Mr. Morgan will appreciate quality more than he will price.
G. W. Koch & Son
Bid for flooring for J. Pierpont Morgan’s Library, 18 February 1904
New-York Historical Society, McKim, Mead & White Architectural Collection