There was a particular book that Morgan simply had to have as he began to direct significant resources to his library. He acquired this copy of the Gutenberg Bible in 1896 from the London firm Henry Sotheran & Co., paying £2,750. A landmark of printing history, it was the first substantive European book created with moveable type.
But one Gutenberg—even this desirable copy printed on vellum—would not prove sufficient. Morgan acquired two more, both printed on paper: a copy of the Old Testament (purchased with the Theodore Irwin collection in 1900) and a complete copy in two volumes (purchased in 1911 from the London dealer Bernard Quaritch).
View the Morgan’s Old Testament copy of the Gutenberg Bible
Biblia latina (Latin Bible)
Mainz: Johann Gutenberg and Johann Fust, ca. 1454–55
The Morgan Library & Museum, purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1896; PML 818