From the early 1950s, Johnson embraced photocollage as a way to inject Hollywood glamour into the cloistered world of avant-garde art. He was appropriating mass-media imagery years before Andy Warhol began populating monumental canvases with celebrity portraits. Here Johnson worked directly upon Dennis Stock’s iconic Life magazine photograph of James Dean walking alone through Times Square, which was published a few months before Dean died in a 1955 car crash. Whether Johnson made this work before or after Dean’s death is unknown. In the 1990s, he would again incorporate the actor’s silhouette in collages and photographs.
Ray Johnson (1927–1995)
Untitled (James Dean in the Rain)
ca. 1953–59
Collage on illustration board
15 1/2 × 11 3/4 in. (39.37 × 29.85 cm)
The Ray Johnson Estate
© Ray Johnson / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York