Catalogue raisonné des différens objets de curiosités dans les sciences et arts, qui composoient le cabinet de feu Mr Mariette, Paris, 1775
Between November 1775 and January 1776, Mariette’s art collection was sold by his heirs at auction in Paris. The collection was so significant that a comprehensive catalogue with a frontispiece designed by Charles-Nicolas Cochin (1715–1790) was printed. Mariette is represented in the frontispiece by a portrait bust surrounded by allegorical figures alluding to his accomplishments and erudition. The figure holding a flame and showing a portfolio of prints personifies Knowledge. Beside her, the woman poised with a chalk holder is an allegory of the Science of Drawing. A boy with a torch represents the God of Taste, and the putto with a rooster is a symbol of sleepless nights of study. History is illustrated as a woman writing in a book propped on Time’s shoulders.