The bindings scholar Pascal Ract-Madoux named the Ronsard Binder for this set of Pierre de Ronsard’s works. It is missing the last volume, which was already absent when the Conflans library inventory was compiled circa 1617, but it reaffirms the close connection between the poet and the Laubespine family. Revised by Ronsard himself, this 1567 collection of his works is one of the most important lifetime editions: it contains the definitive text of four seasonal hymns, each addressed to one of the four secretaries of state. The “Autumn Hymn” is dedicated to Claude II de Laubespine, who is also the subject of a sonnet that expresses perfectly the relationship between poet and patron: “I am the ship, you are my pilot: without you, sir, I cannot sail the seas.”
Pierre de Ronsard (1524−1585)
Les oeuvres de P. de Ronsard, gentilhomme vandomois (The Works of Pierre de Ronsard, Gentleman of Vendôme), 3 vols. In 4 parts
Paris: Gabriel Buon, 1567
Fondation Martin Bodmer
Bibliotheca Bodmeriana / e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland