The court style in Prague carried with it enormous prestige and was often emulated in Austria. Numerous artists from Prague also fled the city in the wake of the Hussite wars (1419–34), further contributing to the widespread influence of their art. The lyrical figural style of this miniature, as well as its abundant gold filigree, points to Bohemian models. The unknown artist, who may well have been Bohemian, also looked to sculptural models like the “Beautiful Madonnas” that were exported from Prague across central Europe. The artist transmutes the pain and violence of the Crucifixion into a poetic mood, enhanced by Mary’s direct gaze, entreating the viewer to share in her compassion.
Leaf from a Missal
Bohemia or Austria (?), ca. 1425
The Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.936
Bequest of Herman H. Lehman, 1968