Writer and educator Hoyt Fuller, in his introduction to the anthology To Gwen with Love, calls the volume a “gesture of affection and respect.” Its production was inspired by a 1969 tribute to Brooks that took place at the Affro-Arts Theater in Chicago, directed by actress Val Gray Ward, a friend of the poet’s. During the tribute, Black artists from around the country gathered to honor Brooks with performances, speeches, poetry, and music. This volume is a fitting testament to her influence, containing poems, fiction, essays, and illustrations from over sixty contributors. The cover design, created by artist Jeff Donaldson in his unique and colorful style, features Brooks surrounded by the titles of her published books.
To Gwen with Love
Edited by Patricia L. Brown, Haki R. Madhubuti (b. 1942; a.k.a. Don L. Lee), and Francis Ward (b. 1935)
Introduction by Hoyt Fuller (1923–1981)
Cover by Jeff Donaldson (1932–2004)
Chicago: Johnson Publishing, 1971
Purchased on the Edwin V. Erbe Jr. Acquisitions Fund, 2021
The Estate of Jeff Donaldson, courtesy of Kravets Wehby Gallery, New York.