The two bindings at left in this case belonged to Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie and Marie Leszczyńska, respectively the mother and wife of Louis XV. Marie-Adélaïde’s
entire armorial composition (everything inside the oval) was produced from one large stamp, an unusual choice for the period that suggests there was a need to
efficiently decorate a large quantity of books. In contrast, the armorial and full cover composition for Marie Leszczyńska were built up from small individual
tools, which would have been laborious both to design and to implement—befitting her status as queen.
Bound for Queen Marie Leszczyńska (1703–1768)
Red morocco, with gilt dentelle and armorial, on: Jean Jacques Le Franc de Pompignan (1709–1784)
Poésies sacrées et philosophiques, tirées des livres saints, 1763
PML 198437