Music Manuscripts and Printed Music

Displaying 15201–15600 of 26165 records
Record ID Creator Title Date Accession Number Images
248212 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Sechs Sonaten für die Violine / von Johann Sebastian Bach ; mit hinzugefügter Begleitung des Pianoforte von Robert Schumann. 1853-1873 or later PMC 1828-33
248215 Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik ; Erstes Heft. 1838. PMC 1834
248223 Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik ; Zweites Heft. 1838. PMC 1835
248226 Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik ; Drittes Heft. 1838. PMC 1836
248233 Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik ; Viertes Heft. 1838. PMC 1837
248235 Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik ; 5tes Heft. 1839. PMC 1838
248240 [Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik]. 1840 PMC 1840
248245 Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Scenen aus Göthe's Faust : für Solostimmen, Chor und Orchester / componirt von Robert Schumann. 1858 PMC 1807
248258 [Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik]. 1839 PMC 1839
248261 [Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik]. 1840 PMC 1841
248282 [Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter und neuer Zeit, als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik]. 1841 PMC 1842
248312 Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Fünf Stücke im Volkston : für Violoncell (ad libitum Violine) und Pianoforte / componirt von Rob. Schumann ; Op. 102 ; Heft II. 1859? PMC 1782b
248314 Albani, Emma, Dame. Visiting card, signed : [n.p.], 1895? 1895? MFC A326.X02
248316 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 1863-1938. Autograph note on his visiting card : [n.p., n.d.], [n.d.] no date MFC A613.X
248317 Carvalho, Caroline-Marie, 1827-1895. Autograph note on her visiting card ("Madame Léon Carvalho"), dated : [n.p.], 30 December [18]74?, to an unidentified recipient, [1874?] Dec. 30. 1874? Dec. 30. MFC C331.X (1874.12.30)
248321 Franck, César, 1822-1890. Autograph note on his visiting card : [n.p., Paris?, n.d.], to an unidentified recipient, [n.d.] no date MFC F822.X3
248323 Melba, Nellie, Dame, 1861-1931. Autograph note on her visiting card : [n.p., n.d.], to an unidentified recipient, [n.d.]. no date MFC M5175.X1
248326 Ponchielli, Amilcare, 1834-1886. Autograph letter signed on his visiting card, dated : [Milan?], 5 May 1885, to an unidentified friend, 1885 May 5. 1885 May 5. MFC P7955.X (1885.05.05)
248328 Richter, Hans, 1843-1916. Autograph note on his visiting card, dated : [n.p., London?, n.d.], to an unidentified recipient, [n.d.]. no date MFC R535.X1
248331 Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. Autograph note signed with initials on his visiting card, dated : [n.p., Paris?], 7 February 1909, to an unidentified recipient, 1909 Feb. 7. 1909 Feb. 7. MFC R749.X (1909.02.07)
248344 Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne Elizabeth (Iwanowska), princess, 1819-1887. Autograph note on her visiting card, dated : [n.p., n.d.], to a named but unidentified recipient, [n.d.]. no date MFC S275.X1
248345 Viardot-García, Pauline, 1821-1910. Autograph note on her visiting card, dated : [n.p., Paris?] , 28 Oct. [n.y.], to an unidentified recipient, [n.y.] Oct. 28. Oct. 28. MFC V619.X1
248349 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Vier letzte Lieder = Four last songs : für Sopran und Orchester = for soprano and orchestra / Richard Strauss. c1950
248350 Rousseau, Jean, 1644-ca. 1700 Méthode claire, certaine et facile pour apprendre à chanter la musique / par Jean Rousseau. 1710?
248353 Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893. Autograph letter signed, dated : Saint-Cloud, 16 August 1867, to M. Due, 1867 Aug. 16. 1867 Aug. 16.
248368 Allers, Christian Wilhelm, 1857-1915. The Mikado : sketches behind the scenes / by C. W. Allers. 1889? GSC
248369 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Sechs Gesänge mit Begleitung des Pianoforte / componirt von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy ; Op. 34. 1837
248370 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Quatrième concerto pour violon et deux flûtes concertantes avec accompagnement de 2 violons, alto, violoncelle et basse / composé par Jean Sebastien Bach. 1850
248377 Lehár, Franz, 1870-1948. Die lustige Witwe : Operette in drei Akten / von Viktor Léon und Leo Stein ; Musik von Franz Lehár ; Potpourri Nr. I ... mit untergelegtem Text ; [Arrangement von Gustav Blasser] für Klavier zu zwei Händen. c1905.
248378 Lehár, Franz, 1870-1948. Die lustige Witwe : Operette in drei Akten / von Viktor Léon und Leo Stein ; Musik von Franz Lehár ; Potpourri Nr. ... II mit untergelegtem Text ; [Arrangement von Gustav Blasser] für Klavier zu zwei Händen. c1905.
248379 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Old folks at home : Ethiopian melody as sung by Christy's Minstrels / written and composed by E.P. Christy. c1851.
248380 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Oh! Susanna / sung by G.N. Christy of the Christy Minstrels. c1848.
248385 Bryants' songs and programme for this evening. Vol. 3, no. 34. 1860.
248386 Bryants' songs and programme for this evening. Vol. 3, no. 35. 1860.
248388 Bryants' songs and programme for this evening. Vol. 3, no. 32. 1860.
248390 Funeral notice : Stephen C. Foster. 1864.
248391 [Program for the movie Swanee River at the Plaza Theatre, New York, week starting 16 February 1940].
248392 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Oh! Susanna / sung by G.N. Christy of the Christy Minstrels. c1848.
248393 Tucker, Henry, 1826?-1882. Oh! let him rest : ballad and chorus / words by James T. Dudley ; music by Henry Tucker. c1864.
248394 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Ah! may the red rose live alway : song / written and composed for the piano forte by Stephen C. Foster. 1850
248395 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. All day long / written by Clara Morton ; composed expressly for Holloway's Musical Monthly by the late Stephen C. Foster. c1864.
248396 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Angelina Baker / words and music by Stephen C. Foster. 1850
248397 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Annie my own love : song / poetry by Charles P. Shiras ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1853.
248398 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Away down Souf / written and composed by S.C. Foster. c1848.
248400 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Beautiful child of song / written & composed expressly for Clark's school visitor & dedicated to the editor Rev. Alexander Clark by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248401 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Beautiful dreamer / the last song ever written by Stephen C. Foster, composed but a few days previous to his death. c1864.
248402 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Better times are coming / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248403 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Bring my brother back to me / written by Geo. Cooper ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248404 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Gwine to run all night, or, De Camptown races / words and music by S.C. Foster. c1850.
248405 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Come where my love lies dreaming : quartette / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1855.
248406 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Come with thy sweet voice again : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1854.
248407 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Comrades, fill no glass for me / poetry & music by Stephen C. Foster. c1855.
248408 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Cora Dean : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248409 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Dearer than life! / words by George Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. 1869
248410 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Dolcy Jones / written & composed by S. C. Foster. c1849.
248413 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Dolly Day / words and music by S.C. Foster. c1850.
248415 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Don't bet you money on de Shanghai : plantation song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248416 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Down among the cane brakes : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248417 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. A dream of my mother and my home / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248419 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Ellen Bayne / sung by Edwin P. Christy ; written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1854.
248420 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Eulalie : song / written by H.S. Cornwell ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248422 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Fairy Belle : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1859.
248424 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Farewell mother dear : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248425 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Farewell my Lilly dear : a plantation melody / as sung by Christy's Minstrels ; written & composed by S.C.F. c1851.
248426 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Farewell old cottage / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248428 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Farewell sweet Mother : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248429 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. For the dear old flag I die! / poetry by George Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1863
248440 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. For thee love for thee : song / written by William Henry McCarthy ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1859.
248441 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Gentle Annie : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1856.
248442 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Gentle Lena Clare / words & music by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248443 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Give the stranger happy cheer : a beautiful ballad / poetry & music by Stephen C. Foster. c1850 i.e. 1851
248444 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Give this to mother / Stephen C. Foster[']s last musical idea. c1864.
248445 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The Glendy Burk : a plantation melody / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248449 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Hard times come again no more / written and composed by Stephen Collins Foster. c1854 i.e. 1855
248450 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The holiday schottisch / composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1853.
248451 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The hour for thee & me : duet / by Stephn. C. Foster. c1852.
248452 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. I cannot sing to night / poetry by Geo. F. Banister, esq. ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1852.
248453 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. I see her still in my dreams : ballad / poetry and music by Stephen C. Foster. c1857.
248455 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. I'll be a soldier : ballad / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248456 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. I'll be home to morrow : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248540 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. I will be true to thee / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248541 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. I would not die in springtime : ballad / composed & arranged for the piano forte by Milton Moore. c1850.
248542 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. I would not die in summer time / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248543 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. If you've only got a moustache : (comic song) / written by George Cooper ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1864.
248544 Abt, Franz, 1819-1885. In the eye abides the heart = In den Augen liegt das Herz : beautiful German song / by F. Abt ; translated by Stephen C. Foster ; arranged by H.K. c1851.
248545 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Jeanie with the light brown hair / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1854.
248547 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Jenny's coming oe'r [sic] the green : ballad / written & composed for Clarks [i.e. Clark's] school visitor by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248549 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Jenny June : popular ballad / as sung with great success at Woods Minstrels by C. Henry ; words by Geo. Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248551 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Kiss me dear mother : ballad / written & composed at the request of a friend by the late Stephen C. Foster and now published from the original manuscript copy. c1869.
248552 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Larry's good bye / written by George Cooper ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248553 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Laura Lee : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248559 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Lilly Ray : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248560 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Linda has departed : song / written by Wm. H. McCarthy ; composed by Stephn. C. Foster. c1859.
248561 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Linger in blissful repose : serenade / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1858.
248563 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The little ballad girl / words and music by Stephen C. Foster. 1864 or later, c1860.
248565 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. 'Tis my father's song / one of the last ballads written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1865.
248569 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Little Ella : song / composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1853.
248583 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Little Jenny Dow : ballad / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248585 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Lizzie dies to-night : ballad / poetry by Mary Bynon Reese ; written & composed for Clark's school visitor of Phila. by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248587 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Two Stephen C. Foster songs : Long-ago day : This rose will remind you / by Stephen Collins Foster. c1931.
248588 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Lou'siana Belle / written for and sung by Joseph Murphy of the Sable Harmonists. c1847.
248590 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The love I bear to thee / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248596 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Lula is gone : song / written & composed by Steph. C. Foster. c1858.
248597 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Maggie by my side : song / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1852.
248599 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Mary loves the flowers : song / poetry & music by S. C. Foster. c1850.
248600 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Massa's in de cold ground : as sung by Christy's Minstrels / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. 1852.
248601 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Melinda May / as sung by the celebrated New Orleans Serenaders ; written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248602 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Merry little birds are we / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248604 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Mine is the mourning heart : a duett for soprano & tenor / written & composed expressly for Clark's school visitor & dedicated to Rev. Alexander Clark by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248605 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Mr. & Mrs. Brown : (comic duett) / words by George Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1864.
248607 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Molly dear good night : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248608 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Molly! do you love me? : song / written & composed for the piano forte by S.C. Foster. c1850.
248609 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Mother, thou'rt faithful to me : a beautiful and expressive ballad / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248610 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. My angel boy, I cannot see thee die / written by H. [i.e. J.] Brougham ; composed by the late Stephen C. Foster, in 1858, and now for the first time published. c1865.
248611 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. My boy is coming from the war / written by George Cooper ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248639 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. My brodder gum / words and music by Stephen C. Foster. c1849.
248640 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. My hopes have departed forever : song / written and composed by a Lady. c1851.
248641 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. My loved one and my own, or Eva : ballad / written & composed by Stephn. C. Foster. c1858.
248642 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. My old Kentucky home, good night / as sung by Christy's Minstrels ; written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1853.
248643 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. My wife is a most knowing woman / poetry by George Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248644 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Nell and I : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248646 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Nelly Bly / words and music by S. C. Foster. c1850.
248647 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Nelly Bly / written and composed by S. C. Foster. c1850.
248648 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Nelly was a lady / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1849.
248649 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. No home, no home : ballad / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248650 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. None shall weep a tear for me : song / written by Richard Henry Wilde ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248651 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Oh boys, carry me 'long : a plantation melody / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248652 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Oh! Lemuel! go down to de cotton field : Ethiopian song / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248653 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Oh! Susanna / sung by G.N. Christy of the Christy Minstrels. c1848.
248654 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Oh! there's no such girl as mine / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248655 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Oh! why am I so happy? / words by Francis D. Murtha ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248656 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Old Black Joe : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248658 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Old black Joe : song & chorus / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248659 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Old dog Tray : sung by Christy's Minstrels / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1853.
248662 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Old folks : quadrilles introducing Old folks at home, Oh boys, carry me long, Nelly Bly, Farewell my Lilly dear, & Cane brake jig / composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1853.
248664 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Old memories : song / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1853.
248666 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Old Uncle Ned / written & composed for Wm. Roark of the Sable Harmonists by S.C. Foster. c1848.
248667 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Once I loved thee Mary dear : song / written by Wm. Cullen Crookshank ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248668 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Open thy lattice, love / composed for and dedicated to Miss Susan E. Pentland of Pittsburgh by S.C. Foster ; lines from the New mirror. 1847?
248669 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Our Willie dear is dying : ballad / as sung by Gustavus Geary ; written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248670 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Parthenia to Ingomar : song / written by Wm. H. McCarthy ; composed by Stephn. C. Foster. c1859.
248671 Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. 3 Quartette für 2 Violinen, Bratsche und Violoncell, op. 41 / von Robert Schumann. 1848 PMC 1843-45
248674 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von, 1714-1787. Iphigénie en Aulide : tragédie : opéra en trois actes / par M. le Chevalier Gluck. 1774 PMC 1846
248675 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Arabella : lyrische Komödie in drei Aufzügen / von Hugo von Hofmannsthal ; Musik von Richard Strauss. c1933. PMC 1847
248676 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Ariadne auf Naxos : Oper in einem Aufzuge / von Hugo von Hofmannsthal : Musik von Richard Strauss ; zu spielen nach dem Bürger als Edelmann des Molière. c1912. PMC 1848
248677 Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778. Artaxerxes : an English opera. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden / the music composed by Tho. Aug. Arne. 1761. PMC 1849
248689 Cilèa, Francesco, 1866-1950. Adriana Lecouvreur : commedia-dramma / di E. Scribe ed E. Legouvé ; ridotta in quattro atti per la scena lirica da A. Colautti ; musica di Francesco Cilèa ; rappresentata per la prima volta al Teatro Lirico Internazionale di Milano, il 6 novembre 1902. c1902. PMC 1850
248692 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Die Ägyptische Helena : Oper in zwei Aufzügen / von Hugo von Hofmannsthal ; Musik von Richard Strauss. c1928. PMC 1851
248695 Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Albert Herring : comic opera in three acts / libretto freely adapted from a short story by Guy de Maupassant by Eric Crozier ; music by Benjamin Britten. c1947 PMC 1852
248697 Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976 Billy Budd : opera in two acts ; revised version 1961 / music by Benjamin Britten ; libretto by E.M. Forster and Eric Crozier ; adapted from the story by Herman Melville. c1961 PMC 1853
248698 Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Don Carlo : opera in cinque atti / parole di Méry e Camillo Du Locle ; musica di G. Verdi ; traduzione italiana di Achille de Lauzières ; rappresentata per la prima volta a Parigi sul teatro Imperiale dell'Opéra l'11 Marzo 1867. 1867? PMC 1854
248700 Ravel, Maurice, 1875-1937. L'enfant et les sortilèges : fantaisie lyrique en deux parties / par Colette ; musique de Maurice Ravel. 1925. PMC 1855
248701 Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Ernani : a lyrical drama in four parts / the music by Giuseppe Verdi ; as represented at Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket. 1845 PMC 1856
248702 Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Ernani : a lyric drama, in four acts / the music by Giuseppe Verdi ; edited and translated by Manfredo Maggioni ; as represented at at the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. 1847 PMC 1857
248703 Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. La favorita : dramma serio in 4 atti da rappresentarsi al Teatro Regio nel carnaval-quaresima 1854 / musica di Gaetano Donizetti. 1854 PMC 1858
248706 Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. La figlia del reggimento : opera comica in due atti da rappresentarsi nell'I. R. Teatro alla Scala l'autunno del 1840. 1840. PMC 1859
248707 Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871. Fra-Diavolo, ou, l'Hôtellerie de Terracine : opéra-comique en trois actes / paroles de M. Scribe ; musique de M. Auber. 1830. PMC 1860
248708 Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Gloriana : opera in three acts / the music by Benjamin Britten ; the libretto by William Plomer. c1953. PMC 1861
248709 Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868. Guillaume Tell : opéra en quatre actes / représenté pour la première fois, a Paris, sur le théatre de l'Académie royale de musique, le lundi 3 aout 1829. 1829. PMC 1862
248730 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Guntram : [Oper] in drei Aufzügen ; Op. 25 / Dichtung und Musik von Richard Strauss. 1894. PMC 1863
248731 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Intermezzo : eine bürgerliche Komödie mit sinfonischen Zwischenspielen in zwei Aufzügen / von Richard Strauss. c1924. PMC 1864
248732 Krenek, Ernst, 1900-1991 Jonny spielt auf : Oper in zwei Teilen ; Op. 45 / von Ernst Křenek. 1927, c1926. PMC 1865
248734 Kessler, Harry, Graf, 1868-1937. Josephslegende / Handlung von Harry Graf Kessler und Hugo von Hofmannsthal ; Musik von Richard Strauss. c1914. PMC 1866
248735 Tippett, Michael, 1905-1998. King Priam : an opera in three acts ; libretto / words and music by Michael Tippett. c1962. PMC 1867
248736 Tippett, Michael, 1905-1998. The knot garden : an opera in three acts ; libretto / by Michael Tippett. c1969 PMC 1868
248739 Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Lohengrin : grande opera romantica in tre atti / parole e musica di Riccardo Wagner ; traduzione italiana dal testo originale tedesco di Salvatore de C. Marchesi ; da rappresentarsi per la prima volta in Italia al Teatro Comunale di Bologna ... l'Autunno 1871. 1871. PMC 1869
248740 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Die Liebe der Danae : heitere Mythologie in drei Akten / von Joseph Gregor ; Musik von Richard Strauss ; Op. 83. c1944. PMC 1870
248741 Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Mathis der Maler : Oper in sieben Bildern / Paul Hindemith. 1935. PMC 1871
248742 Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. A midsummer night's dream : an opera in three acts / adapted from William Shakespeare by Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears ; music by Benjamin Britten. c1960. PMC 1872
248743 Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Nino : a lyrical drama, in three acts / the words by Themistocles Solera ; the music by Joseph Verdi ; performed at Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket. 1850? PMC 1873
248745 Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826. Oberon : a romantic and fairy opera in three acts / by J.R. Planché ; as performed with the music of the Baron Carl Maria von Weber at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. 1826. PMC 1874
248746 Bliss, Arthur, 1891-1975. The Olympians : opera in three acts / libretto by J.B. Priestley ; music by Arthur Bliss. 1949 PMC 1875
248748 Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835. I puritani e i cavalieri : opera seria in tre parti da rappresentarsi nell'Imp. Reg. Teatro alla Scala il carnevale 1835-36. 1835. PMC 1876
248750 Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. The rape of Lucretia / a libretto by Ronald Duncan after André Obey's play "Le viol de Lucrèce" ; with a foreward by Benjamin Britten. c1946, c1945 PMC 1877
248751 Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Rienzi, der Letzte der Tribunen : grosse tragische Oper in 5 Akten / von Richard Wagner. between 1843 and 1860? PMC 1878
248752 Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Rigoletto : a lyric drama in three acts / the music by Verdi ; the libretto edited and translated by Manfredo Maggioni ; as represented at the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. 1853? PMC 1879
248753 Lalo, Edouard, 1823-1892. Le roi d'Ys : opéra en trois actes et cinq tableaux / poème de Édouard Blau ; musique de Édouard Lalo. 1888. PMC 1880
248754 Leoncavallo, Ruggiero, 1858-1919. Der Roland von Berlin / Dichtung und Musik (unter Benutzung des gleichnamigen Romans von Willib. Alexis) von R. Leoncavallo ; Deutsch von Georg Droescher. 1904. PMC 1881
248768 Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971. Rossignol : conte lyrique en trois actes / de I. Strawinsky et S. Mitousoff, d'après Andersen ; traduction française de M.D. Calvocoressi. 1914. PMC 1882
248771 Lehár, Franz, 1870-1948. Schön ist die Welt : Operette in drei Akten / von Ludwig Herzer und Frith Löhner ; Musik von Franz Lehár ; vollständiges Regie- und Soufflierbuch. 1932?, c1930. PMC 1883
248772 Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949. Die schweigsame Frau : komische Oper in drei Aufzügen ; Op. 80 / frei nach Ben Jonson von Stefan Zweig ; Musik von Richard Strauss. c1935. PMC 1884
248780 Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868. Semiramide : dramma tragico in due atti = Sémiramis : tragedie lyrique en deux actes représentée pour la première foi, a Paris, sur le Théatre Royal Italien, Salle Favart, le décembre, 1825. 1825. PMC 1885
248781 Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868. Sémiramis : opéra en quatre actes / paroles de M. Méry ; musique de Rossini. c1860. PMC 1886
248782 Storace, Stephen, 1762-1796. Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. in The siege of Belgrade : an opera in three acts, now performing at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane. 1791. PMC 1887
248792 Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Simon Boccanegra : melodramma in un prologo e tre atti / di F.M. Piave ; musica di G. Verdi ; Teatro alla Scala stagione 1880-81. 1881 PMC 1888
248793 Walton, William, 1902-1983. Troilus and Cressida : opera in three acts / [music by] William Walton ; libretto by Christopher Hassall. 1954. PMC 1889
248794 Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. The turn of the screw : opera in two acts / music by Benjamin Britten ; libretto by Myfanwy Piper ; adapted from the story by Henry James. c1955 PMC 1890
248797 Spontini, Gaspare, 1774-1851. La vestale : tragédie lyrique en trois actes : représentée pour la premiere fois, sur le théatre de l'Académie impériale de musique, le 11 décembre 1807 / [paroles de M. Jouy ; musique de M. Spontini]. 1807. PMC 1891
248798 Offenbach, Jacques, 1819-1880. La vie parisienne : pièce en cinq actes / par Henri Meilhac et Ludovic Halévy ; musique de Jacques Offenbach. 1867. PMC 1892
248800 Hérold, Ferdinand, 1791-1833. Zampa, ou, La fiancée de marbre : opéra-comique en trois actes / paroles de M. Mélesville ; musique de M. Hérold ; mise en scène de M. Solomé. 1831. PMC 1893
248801 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. A penny for your thoughts / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248802 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Poor drooping maiden : song / poetry & music by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248803 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Ring de banjo : new Ethiopian melody / words and music by S.C. Foster. c1851.
248804 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Sadly to mine heart appealing : song : lines suggested on listening to an old Scottish melody / written by Eliza Sheridan Carey ; music by Stephn. C. Foster. c1858.
248805 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Santa Anna's retreat from Buena Vista : quick step / as performed by the military bands ; composed and arranged by Stephen C. Foster. c1848.
248806 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. She was all the world to me / the last song of the late Stephen C. Foster, who died on January 13th, 1864. c1864.
248807 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Slumber my darling / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248810 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Soirée polka / composed by and respectfully dedicated to Miss Mary M. Dallas by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248811 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. A soldier in de colored brigade / words by George Cooper ; music by S. C. Foster. c1863.
248812 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Some folks / written and composed by S. C. Foster. c1855.
248814 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Somebodies [i.e. Somebody's] coming to see me tonight : ballad / by the late Stephen C. Foster. c1864.
248815 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The song of all songs / composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248816 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The spirit of my song / poetry by Metta Victoria Fuller, "singing Sybil" ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248817 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Summer longings : song / composed for and dedicated to S.P. Thompson, Esqr., by his friend Stephen C. Foster. c1849.
248818 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Sweet little maid of the mountain : song & chorus / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248819 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. That's what's the matter : Dan Bryant's celebrated song, as sung by him with great success / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248821 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. There was a time / written by J.D. Byrne ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248822 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. There are plenty of fish in the sea / written by George Cooper ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248823 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. There's a good time coming : song / lines from the London Daily News ; composed for & respectfully dedicated to Miss Mary D. Keller, of Pittsburgh, by S.C. Foster. c1846.
248824 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Thou art the queen of my song : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1859.
248835 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Turn not away! : a serenade arranged as a duett / poetry and music by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248838 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Under the willow she's sleeping : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248840 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The village bells : polka / composed for the piano forte by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248841 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The village maiden / poetry & music by Stephen C. Foster. c1855.
248842 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Virginia Belle : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1860.
248843 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The voice of by gone days : ballad / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248844 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The voices that are gone / as sung by C. Henry of Wood's Minstrels ; words by Robt. Campbell ; music by Stephen C. Foster ; the symphonies and accompaniments by John P. Cooke. c1865.
248851 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Was my brother in the battle? / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248852 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Way down in Ca-i-ro / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1850.
248853 Way down South in Alabama / sung by E.P. Christy, of the Christy Minstrels. c1848.
248856 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. We are coming Father Abraam : 300,000 more / music composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248861 Joukowsky, Paul von, 1845-1912. Parsifal : scenische Bilder nach den für die Bayreuther Aufführung gefertigten Decorations- und Costümskizzen der herren Gebr. Brückner und P. Joukovsky, neun Lichtdrucke von Naumann & Schroeder. 1883? PMC 1894
248862 Joukowsky, Paul von, 1845-1912. R. Wagner's Parsifal : scenische Bilder nach den für die Bayreuther Aufführung gefertigten Decorations- und Costümskizzen : neun Lichtdrucke von Naumann & Schroeder. 1882? PMC 1895
248866 Kranich, Friedrich. Richard Wagnertheater : Dekorationen aus Parsifal. 1889 or later
248868 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. We've a million in the field : 1,000,000 / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248870 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. What must a fairy's dream be? : ballad / written & composed for and respectfully dedicated to Miss Mary H. Irwin by Stephen C. Foster. c1847.
248871 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. When dear friends are gone / written and composed by Stephan [sic] Foster. c1863 i.e. 1864
248872 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. When old friends were here / words by George Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1864.
248876 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. When this dreadful war is ended / written by George Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. 1863?
248877 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Where has Lula gone : ballad : being a companion to the popular song Lula is gone / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1858.
248878 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Why have my loved ones gone : ballad / words & music by Stephen C. Foster. c1861.
248879 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Why, no one to love? : answer to No one to love / words and music by Stephen C. Foster. c1862.
248880 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The wife, or, He'll come home : song / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1868 i.e. 1860
248881 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Willie has gone to the war : song & chorus / words by George Cooper ; music composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1863.
248882 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Willie my brave : ballad / written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248883 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Willie we have missed you / written & composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1854.
248899 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Wilt thou be gone love : vocal duett / subject from Shak[e]speare's Romeo and Juliet ; composed by Stephen C. Foster. c1851.
248901 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. Wilt thou be true? / words by George Cooper ; music by Stephen C. Foster. c1864.
248907 Burney, Charles, 1726-1814 A general history of music from the earliest ages to the present period : to which is prefixed, a dissertation on the music of the ancients / by Charles Burney. 1776-1789. PMC 1896-99
248909 La musica che si canta annualmente nelle funzioni della Settimana Santa nella Cappella Pontificia / composta dal Palestrina, Allegri, e Bai ; raccolta e pubblicata da Carlo Burney. 1771. PMC 1900
248912 Cui, César, 1835-1918. Andzhelo : opera v chetyrekh die︠i︡̆stvīia︠k︡h = Angelo : Oper in vier Acten / Ts︠e︡zaria︠ ︡Kiu︠i︡ ; tekst V. Burenina ; siu︠z︡het zaimstvovan iz dramy V. Giu︠g︡o togo-zhe nazvanīia︠ ︡; deutsche Uebersetzung von J. Arnold ; fortepīannoe perelozhenīe s pie︠n︡īem. 1876 PMC 1901
248915 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. Les six nouveaux airs du Devin du village / par J.J. Rousseau. 1779. PMC 1902
248918 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. Fragmens de Daphnis et Chloé : composés du premier acte, de l'esquisse du prologue et de différens morceaux préparés pour le second acte et le divertissement / paroles de M*** [Olivier de Corancez] ; musique de J.J. Rousseau. 1779. PMC 1903
248975 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. The cunning-man : a musical entertainment in two acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane / taken from the Devin du village of Mr. J.J. Rousseau, and adapted to his original music by C. Burney. 1766 PMC 1904
248977 Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912. Werther : lyrisches Drama in drei Acten und vier Bildern (nach Goethe) / von Ed. Blau, Paul Milliet und Georges Hartmann ; für die deutsche Bühne übertragen von Max Kalbeck ; Musik von J. Massenet. c1892.
248990 Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835. Norma / di V. Bellini. 1899 PMC 1321.1-3
248993 Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875. Carmen : opéra en quatre actes / tiré de la nouvelle de Prosper Mérimée ; poëme de H. Meilhac & L. Halévy ; musique de Georges Bizet. ca. 1889 PMC 1320
249011 Puccini, Giacomo, 1858-1924. La Bohème : (Scène[s] de la vie de Bohème di Henry Murger) : 4 quadri / di Giuseppe Giacosa e Luigi Illica ; musica di Giacomo Puccini. c1896?
249012 [Program for the first performances by The Palestine Orchestra, in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa, on 26, 30, and 31 December 1936, conducted by Arturo Toscanini]. 1936
249014 [Program for a performance by The Palestine Orchestra, in Tel Aviv, in May[?] 1939, conducted by Hermann Scherchen]. 1939?
249015 [Program for Cole Porter's Du Barry was a lady at the Forty-sixth Street Theatre (New York), week beginning 15 January 1940]. 1940.
249031 [Osip Afanas'evich Petrov] [photograph]. n.d., ca. 1861?
249032 Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Visiting card, dated : [n.p., n.d.], [n.d.]. no date
249033 [Program for an all-Scriabin recital, performed by the composer, on 10 December 1912, at the Zal Dvoryanskago Sobraniya (St. Petersburg)]. 1912
249036 [Maria Petipa] [postcard photograph by P. Semeneko]. ca. 1918
249037 [Maria Petipa] [postcard photograph]. no date
249038 [Betty Grable] [photograph]. no date
249049 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, 1844-1908. Skazka o t︠s︡are Saltane, o syne ego slavnom i moguchem bogatyre kni︠a︡ze Gvidone Saltanoviche i o prekrasnoĭ t︠s︡arevne Lebedi : opera v 4 deĭstvii︠a︡kh s prologom (v 7 kartinakh) / libretto V.I. Bi︠e︡lʹskago (po Pushkinu) ; muzyka N.A. Rimskago-Korsakova. 1900?
249054 [Program for the first performance in Paris of Arthur Honegger's Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher, at the Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, on 13 June 1939.] 1939? PMC 1905
249057 Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Histoire de la petite Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus : pour piano à deux mains : op. 36 bis / par A. Tcherepnine. c1926. PMC 1906
249059 Vocht, Lodewijk de, 1887-1977. Fabelen naar eeuwenoude verdichtsels in volkstrant : voor één- of meerdere stemmen met begeleiding / gedichten van Joz. Simons ; muziek van Lod. de Vocht ; met verluchtingen door Maurits de Vocht. 194-? PMC 1907
249060 Typewritten letter signed W. A. Reeves, dated : London, 23 May 1977, to J[ames]. J. Fuld, 1977, May 23. 1977, May 23.
249070 Festival Casals de Puerto Rico... 2005.
249071 Casals Music Festival, July 7-26, 1951, in the Palace of the Kings of Mallorca, Perpignan, Pyrénées Orientales, France. 1951
249072 [Isaac Albéniz] [photograph]. 1908?
249073 [Marie Cabel] [photograph]. 18--
249074 Cabel, Marie, 1827-1885. Autograph letter signed, dated : [Paris, n.d.], to an unidentified recipient, [n.d.]. no date
249125 Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986. Over the rainbow / lyric by E. Y. Harburg ; music by Harold Arlen. c1939.
249126 Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986. Over the rainbow / lyric by E. Y. Harburg ; music by Harold Arlen. c1939.
249127 Willson, Meredith, 1902-1984 Till there was you / by Meredith Willson. c1957, c1950.
249128 Sherman, Richard M., 1928- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious : (super-cali-fragil-istic-expi-ali-docious) / by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman. c1963.
249129 Willson, Meredith, 1902-1984 It's beginning to look like Christmas / words and music by Meredith Willson. c1951.
249131 Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835. Virgin goddess = Casta diva ; as sung by Madlle. Jenny Lind at her first concert in America, given at Castle Garden, New York, September the 11th, 1850 / composed by Bellini. 1850 or later, c1841.
249133 Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 1815-1904. I wish I was in Dixie's land / written & composed expressly for Bryant's Minstrels by Dan. D. Emmett ; arranged for the pianoforte by W. L. Hobbs. c1860.
249134 Stanton, H. S. Dixie war song / written by H.S. Stanton ; arranged by A. Noir. c1861.
249135 Hewitt, John Hill, 1801-1890. Dixie, the land of King cotton : from the highly successful military operetta, "The vivandiere" / words by Capt. Hughes ; music by John H. Hewitt. 1863.
249136 [Program for a performance by Morris Brothers, Pell & Trowbridge's Minstrels, in Boston[?], on 21 November 1860[?]]. 1860?
249137 [Program for a performance by Wilson & Morris Minstrels, at the Boston Museum[?], on 2 March 1861[?]]. 1861?
249138 Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 1815-1904. Dixie's land : Ethiopian "walk round" / composed by D. D. Emmett. ca. 1860
249144 Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 1815-1904. Autograph note, dated : [n.p., n.d.], [n.d.]. no date
249150 Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. The social orchestra, for flute or violin; a collection of popular melodies arranged as solos, duets, trios, and quartets / by Stephen C. Foster. 1854.
249151 Waters' golden harp / a new and superior collection of choice hymns and tunes, mostly new, written and composed for Sunday schools, missionary, revival and social meetings, and for church worship / edited by Horace Waters. c1863.
249152 The Athenaeum collection of hymns and tunes for church and Sunday school / by Horace Waters. c1863.
249160 [First day cover for Francis Scott Key stamp, postmarked Frederick, Maryland, 9 August 1948, addressed to T.A. Abbott in San Antonio, Texas].
249161 Rare books, autographs, manuscripts, drawings. The original manuscript of the Star-Spangled Banner, autograph letters & manuscripts by Thomas Jefferson... a superb letter by Edgar Allan Poe about his family... & other valuable properties. To be sold by order of the various owners and estates on January 4th and 5th. 1934.
249162 The century illustrated monthly magazine. 1882-1913.
249163 The star spangled banner / piano version by Josef Hofmann. c1918.
249164 National jubilee. A holiday salute, and Fourth of July X-pounder.
249165 Satan's visit to the Jacobin Club, or : Britannia triumphant : a new song / written by Edwd. Nairne of Sandwich in Kent. 1795?
249166 The brave La Fayette / written by a gentleman of this city to a favourite air ; arranged with a chorus in three parts and an accompaniment for the piano forte. c1824.
249188 The star spangled banner : a national ballad with an accompaniment for the piano forte. between 1819 and 1831
249192 Farewell to the Star Spangled Banner : arranged for piano forte & guitar : respectfully dedicated to the Army & Navy of the C.S.A. 1864 or 1865
249196 Webster, Joseph Philbrick, 1819-1875. New star spangled banner / words by Edna Dean Proctor ; music by J.P. Webster. c1861.
249199 Order of performance at the Whig celebration, July 4, 1834. 1834
249250 Star-spangled banner. between 1856 and 1892
249254 The star spangled banner. 1896?
249255 Star spangled banner. 1859?
249269 Pitcher, Rufus D. The firemen's song : dedicated to the New York firemen by A. Ranney / words by Rufus D. Pitcher ; air -- "Star Spangled Banner." 1853?
249271 King, William A. Grand national air The star spangled banner : arranged with [an] introduction and variations for the piano forte : with a finale à la valce / respectfully dedicated to Edmund Simpson Esqr. by Wm. A. King. c1835.
249273 Rziha, Francis. The American national bo[u]quet : a sett of brilliant waltzes as performed by the Steyermarkische Company / composed by Francis Rziha ; inscribed to Miss Mary B. Perry by the publishers. c1850.
249283 To Anacreon in heav'n : a favourite song : sung at the Anacreontic Society. 1817?
249295 The young patriots : Star-spangled banner ; Hail Columbia ; Red white & blue ; Yankee Doodle / arranged by E. Mack. c1862.
249310 The star spangled banner / illustrated from drawings by F.O.C. Darley ; music adapted from A.W. Berg's arrangement, by permission of Firth, Pond & Co., by Francis H. Brown. c1861.
249316 Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843. The star spangled banner. between 1836 and 1845
249321 The star spangled banner. 1816 or 1817
249364 The star spangled banner / written by F.S. Key Esq. ; arranged with an accompaniment for the piano forte. 1848
249367 Star spangled banner / composed for the piano. between 1858 and 1860?
249368 Star spangled banner / written during the bombardment of Fort McHenry (Baltimore) by the late Francis S. Key. c1855.
249369 Star spangled banner. between 1840 and 1853
249370 The star spangled banner : American national songs, no. 3 / arranged by Wm. Dressler. 1856
249371 The star spangled banner / the words written by Francis S. Keys [sic], (of Baltimore) ; the symphonies and accompaniments composed & arranged and respectfully inscribed to the officers of the Army and Navy of the United States by Francis H. Brown. c1843.
249377 Star spangled banner : song & chorus : and the Star spangled banner in triumph shall wave, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. ca. 1861
249379 Star spangled banner : song & chorus : and the Star spangled banner in triumph shall wave, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. between 1858 and 1860
249380 Star spangled banner : song & chorus : and the Star spangled banner in triumph shall wave, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. 1861 or 1862
249383 The star spangled banner : a popular national air / arranged with an accompaniment for the piano forte. between 1856 and 1862
249391 The star spangled banner. 1851
249410 Star spangled banner. between 1826 and 1831
249411 The Star Spangled Banner. between 1834 and 1836
249412 The star spangled banner : a popular national air / arranged with an accompaniment for the piano forte. between 1832 and 1839
249413 The star spangled banner. between 1837 and 1841
249414 Star spangled banner. between 1839 and 1841
249415 Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843. The star-spangled banner : national song written during the bombardment of Fort McHenry, Baltimore / by the late Francis S. Key. 1844
249457 Star-spangled banner / arranged as a song with chorus by C. Merkley. 1877?, c1852.
249459 The star spangled banner : American national songs, no. 3 / arranged by Wm. Dressler. 1859
249476 The star spangled banner : song or duett and chorus / originally written by Francis S. Keys [sic] with an additional verse (5th) by O.W. Holmes ; arr. by C. Bruen. c1861.
249477 The star spangled banner : American national hymn. 1861 or later
249480 The Star Spangled Banner! / written by Frances S. Keys [i.e. Francis S. Key] c1856.
249481 The Star Spangled Banner. 1851
249484 The star spangled banner : national song (with chorus ad libitum) / arranged by S. Jackson. c1861
249485 Star spangled banner / transcribed for the piano by Ch. Voss ; song. c1861.
249486 Star spangled banner / transcribed for the piano by Ch. Voss. c1862.
249499 Star spangled banner. between 1844 and 1848
249500 Star spangled banner / written during the bombardment of Fort McHenry (Baltimore) by the late Francis S. Key. c1855.
249502 The star spangled banner : American national songs, no. 1 [sic] / arranged by Wm. Dressler. ca. 1856?
249503 Star-spangled banner / arranged as a song with chorus by C. Merkley. c1856.
249505 Star-spangled banner / arranged as a song with chorus by C. Merkley. c1856.
249509 The star spangled banner : American national hymn. 1858-1860
249511 The star spangled banner : American national hymn. ca. 1857
249513 The star-spangled banner. 1861 or later
249515 The star spangled banner : American national hymn. 1861 or later
249521 The star spangled banner : American national hymn. 1863?
249523 Star spangled banner : national song for the piano / written by Francis S. Key. c1859.
249526 Star spangled banner : national song for the piano / written by Francis S. Key. 1889?, c1859.
249527 The star spangled banner : American national hymn. ca. 1862?
249529 The star spangled banner : national song : song or duet with chorus ad libitum / arranged by Wm. Dressler. ca. 1861
249530 The star spangled banner : national song : song or duet with chorus ad libitum / arranged by Wm. Dressler. 1861
249531 The star spangled banner : national song : song or duet with chorus ad libitum / arranged by Wm. Dressler. 1861?
249533 The star spangled banner : an American national hymn : duett[,] song & chorus / arr. by S. T. Gordon. c1861.
249534 The star spangled banner : an American national hymn : duett, song & chorus / arr. by S. T. Gordon. c1861.
249537 Ravel, Maurice, 1875-1937. Ravel's Rapsodie espagnole, transcribed for piano by Kaikhosru Sorabji : manuscript in the hand of the arranger, 1923 Feb. 2. 1923 Feb. 2. Cary 622
249564 Beach, H. H. A., Mrs., 1867-1944. The sea-fairies (album leaf) : autograph manuscript, [1904-1944]. 1904-1944 Cary 619
249565 Spontini, Gaspare, 1774-1851. Draft of a recitative and aria from Nurmahal : autograph manuscript, 1822? 1822? Cary 620
249566 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Overture di ballo : autograph manuscript, 1870? 1870? Cary 621
249570 Herbert, Victor, 1859-1924. Hero and Leander (album leaf) : autograph manuscript, 1903 Nov. 1903 Nov. Cary 623
249572 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Hearken unto me, my people : autograph manuscript,, 1876 Dec. 1876 Dec. Cary 624
249574 Leoncavallo, Ruggiero, 1858-1919. Roland von Berlin (album leaf) : autograph manuscript, 1904 Dec. 17. 1904 Dec. 17. Cary 625
249575 Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918. La damoiselle élue, vocal score for contralto : autograph manuscript, ca. 1893? ca. 1893? Cary 626
249583 Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Während des Regens : autograph manuscript, 1871? 1871? Cary 674
249586 The star spangled banner! / words by Francis S. Key / arranged by Henry Tucker. c1861.
249588 The star spangled banner : national song : song or duet with chorus ad libitum / arranged by Augustus Cull. c1861.
249589 Star spangled banner : an American national hymn : duett[,] song and chorus. c1861.
249609 Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886. Letter in an undentified hand, dated : [Paris, 23 December 1823], to M. Zimmermann [i.e. Zimmerman], 1823 Dec. 23. 1823 Dec. 23. MFC L774.Z75
249610 The star spangled banner : song & chorus / with an additional verse (5th) by Dr. O.W. Holmes. c1861.
249612 The star spangled banner : song & chorus / with an additional verse (5th) by Dr. O.W. Holmes. c1861.
249613 The star spangled banner! / written by Frances S. Keys [i.e. Francis S. Key] c1861.
250009 Alkan, Charles-Valentin, 1813-1888. Prelude for pedal piano, op. 66, no. 6 (album leaf) : autograph manuscript, 1877 May 9. 1877 May 9. Cary 628
250010 Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912. Roi de Lahore (album leaf) : autograph manuscript, 1877 Feb. 2. 1877 Feb. 2. Cary 629
250016 Williams, John, 1932- None but the brave (album leaf) : autograph manuscript, 1965? 1965? Cary 630
250237 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. La captive : rêverie pr. mezzo-soprano ou contralto : œuvre, 12 / musique de Hector Berlioz ; paroles de Victor Hugo ; [partition réduite pour le piano par Stephen Heller]. 1849 PMC 1908
250239 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale : pour grande harmonie militaire avec un orchestre d'instruments à cordes et un choeur, ad libit. : op: 15 / par Hector Berlioz. 1843? PMC 1909
250244 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Tristia : 3 chœurs avec orchestre : œuv. 18. 1866 or later PMC 1910
250288 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. La damnation de Faust : légende dramatique en quatre parties : œuv. 24 / musique de Hector Berlioz ; partition de piano, avec text franc̦ais et allemand ; quelques morceaux du livret sont empruntés à la traduction franc̦aise du Faust de Goëthe par Mr. Gérard de Nerval ; une partie des scènes 1, 4, 6 et 7 est de Mr Gandonnière ; tout le reste des paroles est de Mr. Hector Berlioz ; traduction allemande par Mr. Minslaff. 1854 PMC 1911
250289 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. La damnation de Faust : légende dramatique, en quatre parties : œuv. 24 / musique de Hector Berlioz ; partition de piano, avec text franc̦ais et allemand ; quelques morceaux du livret sont empruntés à la traduction franc̦aise du Faust de Goëthe par Mr. Gérard de Nerval ; une partie des scènes 1, 4, 6 et 7 est de Mr Gandonnière ; tout le reste des paroles est de Mr. Hector Berlioz ; traduction allemande par Mr. Minslaff. 1854 PMC 1912
250351 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. La damnation de Faust : légende dramatique en quatre parties : œuv. 24 / musique de Hector Berlioz ; partition de piano, avec text franc̦ais et allemand ; quelques morceaux du livret sont empruntés à la traduction franc̦aise du Faust de Goëthe par Mr. Gérard de Nerval ; une partie des scènes 1, 4, 6 et 7 est de Mr Gandonnière ; tout le reste des paroles est de Mr. Hector Berlioz ; traduction allemande par Mr. Minslaff. 1854 PMC 1913
250354 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Scène de brigands : tirée de le Retour à la vie : mélologue / paroles et musique de Hector Berlioz ; arrangée pour le piano par F. Hiller. 1833 PMC 1914
250392 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Les Troyens à Carthage : opéra en cinq actes / paroles et musique de Hector Berlioz ; catalogue des morceaux séparés arrangés par l'auteur. 1863 PMC 1915
250403 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Collection de 32 mélodies pour une ou plusieurs voix et choeur / par Hector Berlioz; quelques morceaux sont avec double texte français et anglais et français et allemand. 1863? PMC 1916
250404 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Collection de 32 mélodies pour une ou plusieurs voix et choeur / par Hector Berlioz; quelques morceaux sont avec double texte français et anglais et français et allemand. 1863? PMC 1917
250480 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Roméo et Juliette : symphonie dramatique avec choeurs, solos de chant, et prologue en récitatif harmonique : livret / composée d'après la tragédie de Shakespeare par Hector Berlioz ; les paroles sont de M. Émile Deschamps. 1839. PMC 1918
250481 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Voyage musical en Allemagne et en Italie : études sur Beethoven, Gluck et Weber : mélanges et nouvelles / par Hector Berlioz. 1844. PMC 1919-20
250482 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Musikalische Wanderung durch Deutschland / in briefen von Hector Berlioz ; aus dem Französischen von Aug. Gathy. 1844. PMC 1921
250510 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Les soirées de l'orchestre / par Hector Berlioz. 1852. PMC 1922
250511 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Les soirées de l'orchestre / par Hector Berlioz. 1853. PMC 1923
250514 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Les soirées de l'orchestre / par Hector Berlioz. 1854. PMC 1924
250663 Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Mémoires d'Hector Berlioz. 1865. PMC 1925
250668 Berlioz, L. V. J. (Louis V. J.), 1776-1848. Mémoires sur les maladies chroniques, les évacuations sanguines et l'acupuncture / par L.V.J. Berlioz. 1816. PMC 1926
250671 Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835. I Capuleti e i Montecchi : tragedia lirica da rappresentarsi nell' Imp. E.R. Teatro in via della Pergola la quadragesima del 1831 / [musica del ... Vincenzo Bellini] 1831 PMC 1927
250685 Ortigue, Joseph d', 1802-1866. Du theâtre italien et de son influence sur le goût musical françois / par Joseph d'Ortigue. 1840. PMC 1928
250804 La Fage, J. Adrien de (Juste Adrien), 1801-1862. Miscellanées musicales / par J. Adrien de La Fage. 1844. PMC 1929
250864 Ortigue, Joseph d', 1802-1866. La musique à l'église / par M. Joseph d'Ortigue. 1861. PMC 1930
250867 Escudier, Léon. Mes souvenirs / par Léon Escudier. 1863. PMC 1931
250872 Hippeau, Edmond, 1849-1921. Berlioz intime : d'après des documents nouveaux / par Edmond Hippeau. 1883. PMC 1932
250876 Legouvé, Ernest, 1807-1903. Soixante ans de souvenirs / Ernest Legouvé. 1886-87. PMC 1933-34
250912 Le monde illustré. année 3, no. 99 (5 mars 1859). 1859. PMC 1935
251004 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von, 1714-1787. Iphigenie en Aulide : tragédie-opera, en trois actes : représentée pour la première fois, par l'Académie-royale de musique, le mardi 12 avril 1774 : aux dépens de l'Academie. 1774. PMC 1940
251017 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von, 1714-1787. Iphigénie en Tauride : tragédie en quatre actes : représentée pour la premiere fois, par l'Académie-royale de musique, le mardi 11 mai 1779 : aux dépens de l'Academie. 1779. PMC 1941
251026 Lully, Jean Baptiste, 1632-1687. Armide : tragedie en musique : representeé par l'Académie royalle de musique. 1686. PMC 1942
251094 L'illustration : journal universel : No. 64, vol. 3 (18 mai 1844). 1844. PMC 1936
251095 L'illustration : journal universel : No. 76, vol. 3 (10 août 1844). 1844. PMC 1937
251101 Mirecourt, Eugène de, 1812-1880. Berlioz / par Eugène de Mirecourt. 1856. PMC 1938