Caption title.
From poem by Francis Scott Key; music by John Stafford Smith.
Color illustration: crossed flags of the United States and France.
Collective title on t.p.: National music.
Stanzas 1-4 printed on music beneath vocal line, stanza 5 printed above it.
Alternative choral setting of the last two phrases of text is on p. 5.
Price: 2 1/2 in 7-pointed star.
"J. H. Buffords Lith. Boston."
This would seem to fall between 49 and 49a in J. Muller, The star spangled banner. The titles on the t.p. are printed closer together, as in 49a, but the words "vocal" and "instrumental" are in blue, not red, as in 49a.
Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843. Star-spangled banner.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894.
Smith, John Stafford, 1750-1836.