The firemen's song : dedicated to the New York firemen by A. Ranney / words by Rufus D. Pitcher ; air -- "Star Spangled Banner."

Record ID: 
Pitcher, Rufus D.
The firemen's song : dedicated to the New York firemen by A. Ranney / words by Rufus D. Pitcher ; air -- "Star Spangled Banner."
New York (293 Broadway, New York) : Published at the Great American Gift Book House, [1853?]

Collation: Title, [1]; music, [2-3]; blank, [4].
For voice and piano.
"As sung at the presentation of the 'Prize Trumpet' at the Lafarge House, February 20, 1853"-- Cover.
Cover illustration: Fire engine, ornately decorated fire trumpet, ladder, and hook.
"Arr. by Edw. Wiebe"--P. [3].
First line of text: "Oh! say, can you hear amid terror and flight."

Associated names: 

Wiebe, Edw.
Smith, John Stafford, 1750-1836.

Music Collection: