Oberon : a romantic and fairy opera in three acts / by J.R. Planché ; as performed with the music of the Baron Carl Maria von Weber at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1874
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826.
Oberon : a romantic and fairy opera in three acts / by J.R. Planché ; as performed with the music of the Baron Carl Maria von Weber at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden.
Uniform title: 
Oberon. Libretto
London : Hunt and Clarke, 1826.

3rd ed.


Collation: Blank, lithograph of Weber by Hullmandel on verso; title, printer named on verso [1-2]; Planché's inscription of "the following pages" to Weber, verso blank, [3-4]; Planché's Advertisement to the Second Edition, dated 15 April 1826, [5-]6; Planché's Preface, dated 10 April 1826, [7-]8; Costume, Characters on verso, [9-10]; text, [11-]56.
Based on William Sotheby's translation of Oberon by Christoph Martin Wieland.
The singers listed on the Characters page are Mr. Austin, Mr. Braham, Mr. Fawcett, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Baker, Mr. Evans, Mr. Atkins, Mr. Ryals, Mr. Tinney, Mr. Horrebow, Mr. C. Bland, Miss H. Cawse, Mr. Henry, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Isaacs, Miss Goward, Miss Smith, Miss Paton, Madame Vestris, Miss Lacy, Mrs. Davenport, and Mrs. Wilson.

Associated names: 

Planché, J. R. (James Robinson), 1796-1880.
Wieland, Christoph Martin, 1733-1813. Oberon.