Hours of Pierre de Bosredont
Gift of the Trustees of the William S. Glazier Collection, 1984
Christ: Crucifixion, Stripped of Garments — A soldier, wearing a helmet, raising a club in his right hand, and resting his right foot on a cross on the ground, faces Christ, who has a rayed cross as a nimbus and wears a crown of thorns and a short loincloth. He is bleeding from wounds on his head and torso. Behind Him a man, wearing a hood and a sword and buckler at his waist, removes a garment from Christ. They are flanked behind on one side by the Virgin Mary, who is wearing a wimpled veil and has joined hands, and Evangelist John, both nimbed, and on the other side by a group of men holding weapons including a halberd and a spear. The scene is set in a landscape with hills and in the distance, a city.
The margins are decorated with floreate ornament. A monogram of the initials A and P linked by a love knot is in the lower margin. Text, Suffrages.