Hours of Pierre de Bosredont
Gift of the Trustees of the William S. Glazier Collection, 1984
Eligius of Noyon, nimbed and wearing a bishop's miter and vestments, holds a hammer in his right hand and a crozier with a sudarium in his left hand. He stands in a windowed room in front of three tapestries inscribed: 1) DI CHOSSON DE NIBORO, motto of Pierre de Bosredont; 2) PIERRE DE BOSREDONT; 3) SANCTE ELIGI CONFESSOR CHRISTI INTERCEDE PRO NOBIS AD DOMINUM DEUM NOSTRUM ISTE CONFESSOR DOMINI SACRATUS FESTA PLEBS CUIUS HODIE.
The margins are decorated with floreate ornament. The heraldic shield of Pierre de Bosredont (quarterly, vair and gules) is in the lower margin.