Astrological treatises
Purchased in 1935
First Decanus of Capricornus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Hindquarters of bear, inscribed SECUNDA MEDIETAS URSE MAIORIS (Constellation: Ursa Major); woman, inscribed MULIER (Constellation: Virgo ?); fish head, inscribed CAPUT PISCIS NIGENTIS (Constellation: Pisces); dog-headed monkey hybrid, inscribed CORPUS SIMIE CUM CAPITE CANIS SCILICET FERA DOLOSA (Astrological Sign: Fere Dolose).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR NIGER HIRSUTUS, with large nose, wearing hood, with pouch at waist, holding net inscribed RETHE PISCATORUM, before barn containing ass and oxen, inscribed JUMENTA (Astrological Sign: Vir Niger).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Body of bear, inscribed DIMIDIUM URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); head and forequarters of dragon, inscribed PRIMA PARS DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); bird hybrid, inscribed FINIS CIGNI ID EST TORTUCA (sic) (Constellation: Cygnus); hindquarters of rooster, inscribed FINIS GALLI (Constellation: Gallus); man inscribed ADDITAMENTUM ARTOFILACIS PASTORIS ATQUE EQUI SUI, wearing hat, with left hand raised, above forequarters of horse, lying down (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021