Astrological treatises
Purchased in 1935
Second Decanus of Libra in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Man, inscribed VIR RESIDNS LECTUE (sic), wearing cap, sits in bed, beside which stand a man and woman, wearing head scarf, both inscribed SOCII STANT QUASI SERUIENTES (Astrological Sign: unidentified); prow of ship, inscribed MEDIUM NAUIS (Constellation: Argo Navis); hindquarters of bear, isncribed MEDIUM MAIORIS VRSE (Constellation: Ursa Major); stream of water, inscribed AQUA FONTIS (Constellation: Aquarius); winged body of dragon, inscribed MEDIUM DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); forequarters of centaur, inscribed CENTAURI PARS (Constellation: Centaurus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Bird-headed man, inscribed VIR VULTU SIMILIS ARCHIMIE, nude, with feathered wings and bird feet, standing beside woman, inscribed VXOR ILLIUS, wearing veil, holding skirts in left hand and with right hand raised, and youth, inscribed ET PROLES, with right hand raised (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Tail of dragon, inscribed PARS CAUDE DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); hindquarters of bear inscribed CAUDA URSE MAIORIS (Constellation: Ursa Major); lower half of figure of Virgo, inscribed MEDIUM VIRGINIS, seated on bench (Constellation: Virgo); winged horse (Pegasus ?), inscribed EQUUS CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus).
Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021