Astrological treatises
Purchased in 1935
First Decanus of Gemini in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Animal tail, inscribed CAUDA KENOKEFALI (Astrological Sign: Cynocephalus); man, inscribed VIR UIRGANS MANU TENENS, wearing hat, holding goad in right hand and with left hand reins of two horses hitched to one of two carts, inscribed DUO CURRUS (Constellation: Plaustrum ?); second cart pulled by two horses, one of which is ridden by man, inscribed VIR AGITANS, holding goad in right hand (Astrological Sign: Vir Agitans); head of monster, inscribed CAPUT SIRA CERASTIS (Astrological Sign: Cerastes).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Woman, inscribed MULIER FORMOSA ARTE SUENDI UALDE DOCTA QUERENS MONILIA, veiled, points with left hand toward cloth, inscribed PANNI, held in left hand of man, inscribed FILIUS, with pouch at waist and with right hand raised; behind him is mirror, inscribed SPECULUM PROLUCIDUM UENERIS (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Woman, inscribed MULIER QUE DICITUR AURIGA. CAPUT EIUS ET GENU DEXTRUM, wearing headdress, only right side of body shown (Constellation: Auriga ?); horn of bull, inscribed CORNU TAURI (Constellation: Taurus); Orion, inscribed HUMERUS SINSTER ORIONIS, wearing headgear, only left side of body shown (Constellation: Orion); head and forequarters of rabbit, inscribed CAPUT LEPORIS CUM PEDE (Constellation: Lepus).
Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021