Astrological treatises
Purchased in 1935
Third Decanus of Aries in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Before house sits man, inscribed FASIUS, wearing hat, beside lectern (?), youth, inscribed EIUS FILIUS (Astrological Sign: Fasius), and two horses, inscribed EQUI, one saddled, both before tent with banner (Astrological Sign: Fasius); above, fish head, inscribed CAPUT PISCIS (Constellation: Pisces); hindquarters of bull, inscribed MEDIUM CERUOTAURI (Astrological Sign: Cervotaurus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR FLAM COLORIS, holding torch in right hand (Astrological Sign: Vir Flam Coloris); blacksmith's forge, inscribed TORQUIUM LIGNEUM PORTAT IN MANU, with bellows inscribed FOLLES, and mallet inscribed MALLEUS, beside which work two blacksmiths, inscribed FERRARII DUO DEMULCENT FERRUM, both wearing aprons, holding mallets overhead, one holding object on log with tongs (Astrological Sign: Blacksmith).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Perseus, inscribed PERSEUS CUM MANU SINISTRA TENENS CAPUT MEDUSE, as half figure, holds scimitar in left hand and head of Medusa in right hand (Constellation: Perseus); eight-pointed star, inscribed STELLA LONGA QUI EST IN CAPITE ARIETIS (Constellation: Aries); head of whale, inscribed CAPUT CETI (Constellation: Cetus); abdomen of ram, inscribed VENTER ARIETIS (Constellation: Aries).
Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021