Astrological treatises
Purchased in 1935
First Decanus of Taurus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Orion, inscribed ORION, hooded, holds sword in right hand and spear in left hand, beside two candlesticks with lighted candles, inscribed NOMINE ORIONIS VOCANTUR ISTA DUO CANDELABRA (Constellation: Orion); man seated in sailing ship inscribed NAUIS EXIMIA, with pair of legs superimposed on hull (Astrological Sign: Navis Exima); hybrid man, inscribed PERSE SAX. GRECI. CINOKEFALI LATINI CINCIPITES (sic) (Astrological Sign: Cynocephalus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Woman, inscribed MULIER HABENS PANNOS ADUSTOS, stands with right hand extended toward youth, inscribed FILIUS EIUS, beside coat, inscribed INDUMENTUM FILII, and two pieces of cloth, each inscribed LINTHEUM (Astrological Sign: Woman)
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Perseus, inscribed PERSEUS (Constellation: Perseus); headless standing figure, inscribed CORPUS DECOLLATUM (Astrological Sign: unidentified); hindquarters of ram, inscribed FEMORA ATQUE YLIA ARIETIS (Constellation: Aries); stream of water inscribed SPUMA ERIDANI UEL NILI (Constellation: Eridanus); hindquarters of bull inscribed COXE TAURI (Constellation: Taurus).
Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021