Fasciculus temporum
Cronaca della Napoli Aragonese: Scene, French entering Naples -- Continues parade of previous folios in four registers:
1) Woman (?) wearing headdress possibly sitting sideways; eight men, wearing plumed hats, one, wearing sword at waist, astride horse; one carrying halberd, wearing sword at waist; two wearing swords at waists, one carrying banner; one playing drum; the foremost, wearing sword at waist, playing cornetto.
2) Three two-wheeled carts, drawn by three (?) horses, four men wearing hats possibly astride the horses. One cart carries sacks inscribed SACHE DE FARINA; second cart inscribed PALLE DE FIERRO. At right, three cannons on two-wheeled carts, inscribed ARTEGLIARA, drawn by three (?) horses, four men wearing hats possibly astride the horses.
3) Three pairs of bridled, pack-horses, each led by man wearing plumed hat, grasping reins with right hand, carrying halberd on left shoulder.
4) At bottom, line of 15 men wearing plumed hats, each carrying halberd on right shoulder, walking to right.