Fasciculus temporum
Cronaca della Napoli Aragonese: Scene, French entering Naples -- Of three heralds wearing hats, all astride bridled horses with trappings, one, wearing garment decorated with heraldry of France raises with left hand, scepter inscribed LARAUDO; the second, carries with right hand, banner decorated with heraldry of France (Modern), inscribed LO STANDARDO; and the third carries with right hand, trumpet, inscribed LO TROMBETTA, with banner decorated with heraldry of France (Modern). They approach two horsemen wearing hats, Cesare Bozzuto, inscribed CESARO BEZUTO and Giacomo Caracciolo as CONTE DE BROIENZA DE CASA CARAZULA.
In left margin, nude woman wearing feathered or leafy headdress and shoes, grasping vine with left hand, standing next to initial I.