Fasciculus temporum
Cronaca della Napoli Aragonese: Scene, triumphal Entry into Naples -- Alfonso V of Aragon (?), crowned, holding scepter with right hand, globe with left hand, is seated below canopy on throne on wagon pulled by five horses, with soldier raising scourge with right hand astride foremost horse, caparisoned. Aragonese heraldic ornament decorates side and front of the wagon. In foreground two of four men carry poles possibly supporting near side of the canopy; other men stand in conversation. Two armies of soldiers holding spears and shields flank the horses.
In background, ships sailing toward port of Naples; wall protecting harbor extending into sea; in harbor, beyond the wall, lighthouse on island; buildings on hill and shore inscribed NAP(O)L(E).
Text is from Cronaca della Napoli Aragonese; see Cronaca della Napoli Aragonese, ed. Filangieri (1956), pp. 28-29