Binding Collection

Cirque / André Suarès ; eaux-fortes en couleurs et en noir de Georges Rouault.

Suarès, André, 1868-1948.
Paris : Ambrose Vollard, 1939.
PML 76385

Hapanta Platōnos : meth' hypomnēmatōn Proklou eis ton Timaion, kai ta Politika, thēsaurou tēs palaias philosophias megistou prostetheitai de kai eis ta tou Platonos hapanta, gnomon kai onomaton axiomnemoneuton, elenchos = Platonis omnia opera cum commentariis Procli in Timaeum & Politica, thesauro veteris philosophiae maximo : adiectus etiam est in Platonis omnia, sententiarum & verborum memorabilium, index.

Basileae : Apud Ioan. Valderum, mense Martio, anno 1534.
PML 42590

Heures nouvelles dédiées à Madame Royale ...

A Bruxelles : Chez Jean Joseph Boucherie ..., 1759.
PML 125711

Illustrium maioris Britanniae scriptorum : hoc est, Angliae, Cambriae, ac Scotiae summariu[m] ... / autore Ioanne Balaeo ...

Bale, John, 1495-1563.
Excusumque fuit Gippeswici [Ipswich] in Anglia : Per Ioannem Ouerton ..., 1548.
PML 78160

Manuscript account book : [Florence], [1517-1551].

Lanfredino Lanfredini.
PML 78802

Missale Romanum, ex decreto sacrosancti concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max. iussu editum.

Lyon : Guillaume Roville, 1586.
PML 76387

Poems / by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 1828-1882.
London : F.S. Ellis ..., 1870.
PML 7242

Scene e machine preparate alle Nozze di Teti Balletto Reale / representato nella sala del piccolo Borbone et da Giacomo Torelli inventore dedicate all Eminentissimo prencipe Cardinal Mazzarino.

Torelli, Giacomo, 1608-1678.
Paris : [s.n.], 1654.
PML 195035.2

The Bible : that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament ...

Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker ..., 1599 [i.e. Amsterdam : J.F. Stam, 1639]
PML 17197.1

The Holy Bible ...

London : Printed by the Companie of Stationers, 1650.
PML 2095.1