Binding Collection

Vita e miracoli di santo Antonio di Padova.

Petrignano, Girolamo.
Rome : Sebastianus Fulcarus, 1608?
PML 125405.4

Vita e miracula S[anctae] Catharina Senen[sis] / Philippus Thomassinus.

Thomassin, Philippe, 1562-1622.
Rome : Thomassinus, 1608.
PML 125405.5

Von der Person vnd Menschwerdung vnsers Herrn Jhesu Christi/ der waren Christlichen Kirchen Grundfest ... / Durch die theologen zu Wittemberg ...

Gedruckt zu Wittemberg : durch H. Lufft, 1571.
PML 127623.1

Vox stellarum : being an almanack for the year of human redemption 1705 ... / By Francis Moore ...

Moore, Francis, 1657-1714.
London : Printed by T. Hodgkin, for the Company of Stationers, 1705.
PML 1826.14

Waffenhandlung von der Rören, Musquetten, undt Spiessen : gestalt nach der Ordnung des hochgebornen Fursten vnd Herrn, Herrn Moritzen Printzen zu Oranien ... / figurlichen abgebildet durch Jacob de Geyn ...

Gheyn, Jacob de, 1565-1629, engraver.
Gedruckt ins Grauen Hagen : [publisher not identified], 1608.
PML 198443

Walks in Oxford : comprising an original, historical, and descriptive account of the colleges, halls, and public buildings of the university : with an introductory outline of the academical history of Oxford, to which is added a concise history of the city, and delineations in the environs of Oxford / by W.M. Wade ; illustrated with thirteen engravings and a large map.

Wade, W. M.
Oxford : Printed by W. Baxter for R. Pearson ... sold also by Law and Whittaker ... London, 1817.
PML 127233

Wax relief portrait of Pius V [painting].

Capocaccia, Giovanni Battista, 16th century, artist.
Rome, 1566-1568
PML 199041

Wiederholte Christliche Gemeine Confession vnd Erklerung ...

Jena : [s.n.], 1572.
PML 127623.3

Wiener-Kalenderl auf das Jahr 1789, welches ein Gemein-Jahr von 365 Tagen.

Wien zu finden : bey den Edlen Ghelenschen Erben, in der Singerstrasse Nr. 931, [1788]
PML 198743

Wrappers for four Italian woodcut panel bindings, mounted on cards.

[n.p.], ca. 1530.
PML 23290