Binding Collection

1705. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo ... : calculated according to art, and fitted to the meridian of Leicester ... / By Richard Saunder ...

Saunder, Richard, d. 1735 or 6.
London : Printed by J. Wilde, for the Company of Stationers, 1705.
PML 1826.12

27 bêtes pas si bêtes / de Germaine de Coster ; présentées par Marcel Aymé.

Coster, Germaine de, author, artist, binder.
[Paris] : [publisher not identified], [1950]
PML 198991

30 Bilder zu Horazens Werken. Gestochen unter der Leitung von C. Frommel nach Zeichnungen v. Catel, Frommel [u.a.].

Frommel, Karl Ludwig, 1789-1863.
Carlsruhe : Kunstverlag, [1829]
PML 78810

A briefe treatise of testaments and last wils, : very profitable to be vnderstood of all the subiects of this realme of England ... Compiled of such lawes ecclesiasticall and ciuill, as be not repugnant to the lawes ... of this realme, nor derogatorie to the prerogatiue royall.

Swinburne, Henry, 1560?-1623.
London : Printed by W. S[tansby] for the Company of Stationers, 1635.
PML 15890

A child's garden of verses / by Robert Louis Stevenson ; with nine poems not published in prior editions; illustrations by Joyce Lancaster Wilson ; introduction by Janet Adam Smith.

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894.
San Francisco : The Press in Tuscany Alley, 1978.
PML 152556

A Collection of anthems used in His Majesty's Chapel Royal, and most cathedral churches in England and Ireland / published under the direction of Anselm Bayly ...

London : Printed for J. and F. Rivington ... and W. Ginger ..., 1769.
PML 17799

A collection of the several statutes, and parts of statutes, : now in force, relating to high treason, and misprision of high treason.

London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, 1709.
PML 1828

A collection of the severall acts, ordinances, & orders as well of Parliament as of His Highness the Lord Protector (now in force) for the levying of monies by way of excise and new-impost : together with severall orders of their Council, the Commissioners for Appeals and Regulating the Excise, &c., relating to the management thereof.

London : Printed by John Macock and Gartrude Dawson, 1655-[1657]
PML 20989

A concordance to the Bible of the last translation ... Alphabetically digested, and allowed by authority to be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes ...

Downame, John, -1652.
London : Printed by [R. Young for] the assignes of Clement Cotton, [1633?]
PML 17197.2

A critical commentary on Archbishop Secker's Letter to the Right Honourable Horatio Walpole, concerning bishops in America.

Blackburne, Francis, 1705-1787.
London : Printed for E. and C. Dilly, 1770.
PML 4751.3