Astrological treatises

Ms. astrological treatises by Abū Maʻshar (also transliterated as Albumazar or Albumasar; b. Aug. 10, 787; d. 28 Ramaḍān 272/8-3-886); written and illuminated in Bruges, Belgium, in or before 1403.
There are five extant manuscripts of the text of Morgan 785, an extensively illustrated and abridged Latin translation of the Arabic "Introduction to Astrology" of Abu Ma'shar (787\–886) by Georgius Zothorus Zaparus Fendulus, whose name is given in the introduction (fol. 1r). The earliest copy of the Fendulus text is Paris, Bibliothèque nationale MS Lat. 7330, ca. 1240. The direct prototype for M. 785 is a Franco-Flemish manuscript, ca. 1350, British Museum Sloan MS 3983. Although Fendulus states that he translated Abu Ma'shar's text from the original Persian, Abu Ma'shar wrote in Arabic, suggesting that Fendulus was working from Herman the Dalmatian's earlier Latin translation, rather than from the original source. All five copies of Fendulus's text share the same format and structure, and date from ca. 1220-1240 through 1500. For each zodiac sign there is a page of text, an illustration of the sign, and three folios of three registers each, illustrating the decans for each sign. Following the zodiac signs are seven planets, shown in their houses and counter-houses, and in exaltation and dejection.

Abū Maʻshar, -886
Astrological treatises
Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm
Purchased in 1935
MS M.785


MS M.785, front cover

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, inside front cover

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, front endleaf i recto

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, front endleaf i verso

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, front endleaf ii recto

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, front endleaf ii verso

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, front endleaf iii recto

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, front endleaf iii verso

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, title page (iv recto)

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Heraldry, French: Joursanvault -- Three cotices en barre, an escutcheon with two hands clasped. Shield surmounted by crown and with scroll inscribed EX BIBLIOTHECA ... J.B.A.G. GAIGNARRE DE JOURSANVAULT below.


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MS M.785, title page verso (iv verso)

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 1r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 1v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 2r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 2v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 3r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 3v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Aries -- Ram, inscribed ARIES, is shown in profile to right, with head turned over shoulder.


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MS M.785, fol. 4r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Aries in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Virgo, inscribed FEMINA FILIA SPLENDORIS, crowned, holding skirts (Constellation: Virgo); fish tail, inscribed CAUDA PISCIS MARINI (Constellation: Pisces); draped three-legged object, inscribed TRIGONI PRINCIPIUM THRONI, supported by three columns (Constellation: Triangulum); hybrid stag-bull head, inscribed CAPUT CERUOTAURI (Astrological Sign: Cervotaurus); standing figure, inscribed CINOCEPHALUS, with dog head, holding unlit torch in left hand and key in right hand (Astrological Sign: Cynocephalus); and nude man, inscribed VIR NIGER, partially draped with mantle over his head (Astrological Sign: Vir Niger).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Cepheus, inscribed DORSUM CEPHEI ET CLUNIS EIUSDEM, nude, shown from rear with one arm and leg (Constellation: Cepheus); Andromeda, inscribed DORSUM ANDROMADE, partially draped, shown only with back and one leg (Constellation: Andromeda); bridle with trailing reins, inscribed FINIS FRENI; fish, inscribed PISCIS SECUNDUS, enclosed in cloud of water (Constellation: Pisces).
3)Sphaera Graeca:
Fish head, inscribed MEDIUM PISCIS MARINI (Constellation: Pisces); draped triangle supported by two columns, inscribed MEDIUM TRIGONI (Constellation: Triangulum); head and forequarters of stag-bull, inscribed MEDIUM CERUOTAURI (Astrological Sign: Cervotaurus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 4v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Aries in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Ship, inscribed NAUIS, with sails unfurled (Constellation: Argo Navis); armored knight, inscribed EQUES, with sword and shield, astride horse (Astrological Sign: Horseman).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Woman, inscribed FEMINA PECTENS CAPUT, holds mirror in right hand and with left hand combs hair (Constellation: Virgo ?); bearded head, inscribed CAPUT MEDUSE (Constellation: Caput Medusa); stag, inscribed CERUUS (Astrological Sign: Cervus); harp, inscribed ARPES PERSEI (Constellation: Lyra); female centaur, inscribed FEMINA LINTHEO INDUTA, beside small male figure inscribed PARLES EIUS, with arms crossed on breast (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Hip of Cepheus, inscribed COXA CEFEI, beside hand inscribed FINIS MANUS, beside legs and feet inscribed TIBIE CUM PEDIBUS (Constellation: Cepheus); head inscribed CAPUT PERSEI (Constellation: Perseus); feet inscribed PEDES ANDROMADE (Constellation: Andromeda); triangle, inscribed TRIGONUS, supported by two columns (Constellation: Triangulum); head of ram, inscribed CAPUT ARIETIS, beside spiraled threads inscribed RELIQUUM FILI (Constellation: Aries); mid-body of whale, inscribed PECTUS CETI (Constellation: Cetus ).


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MS M.785, fol. 5r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Aries in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Before house sits man, inscribed FASIUS, wearing hat, beside lectern (?), youth, inscribed EIUS FILIUS (Astrological Sign: Fasius), and two horses, inscribed EQUI, one saddled, both before tent with banner (Astrological Sign: Fasius); above, fish head, inscribed CAPUT PISCIS (Constellation: Pisces); hindquarters of bull, inscribed MEDIUM CERUOTAURI (Astrological Sign: Cervotaurus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR FLAM COLORIS, holding torch in right hand (Astrological Sign: Vir Flam Coloris); blacksmith's forge, inscribed TORQUIUM LIGNEUM PORTAT IN MANU, with bellows inscribed FOLLES, and mallet inscribed MALLEUS, beside which work two blacksmiths, inscribed FERRARII DUO DEMULCENT FERRUM, both wearing aprons, holding mallets overhead, one holding object on log with tongs (Astrological Sign: Blacksmith).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Perseus, inscribed PERSEUS CUM MANU SINISTRA TENENS CAPUT MEDUSE, as half figure, holds scimitar in left hand and head of Medusa in right hand (Constellation: Perseus); eight-pointed star, inscribed STELLA LONGA QUI EST IN CAPITE ARIETIS (Constellation: Aries); head of whale, inscribed CAPUT CETI (Constellation: Cetus); abdomen of ram, inscribed VENTER ARIETIS (Constellation: Aries).


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MS M.785, fol. 5v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 6r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Taurus -- Bull, inscribed TAURUS, shown in profile to right.


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MS M.785, fol. 6v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Taurus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Orion, inscribed ORION, hooded, holds sword in right hand and spear in left hand, beside two candlesticks with lighted candles, inscribed NOMINE ORIONIS VOCANTUR ISTA DUO CANDELABRA (Constellation: Orion); man seated in sailing ship inscribed NAUIS EXIMIA, with pair of legs superimposed on hull (Astrological Sign: Navis Exima); hybrid man, inscribed PERSE SAX. GRECI. CINOKEFALI LATINI CINCIPITES (sic) (Astrological Sign: Cynocephalus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Woman, inscribed MULIER HABENS PANNOS ADUSTOS, stands with right hand extended toward youth, inscribed FILIUS EIUS, beside coat, inscribed INDUMENTUM FILII, and two pieces of cloth, each inscribed LINTHEUM (Astrological Sign: Woman)
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Perseus, inscribed PERSEUS (Constellation: Perseus); headless standing figure, inscribed CORPUS DECOLLATUM (Astrological Sign: unidentified); hindquarters of ram, inscribed FEMORA ATQUE YLIA ARIETIS (Constellation: Aries); stream of water inscribed SPUMA ERIDANI UEL NILI (Constellation: Eridanus); hindquarters of bull inscribed COXE TAURI (Constellation: Taurus).


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MS M.785, fol. 7r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Taurus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Nude man, inscribed VIR NUDUS MAN CLAUEM TENENS, with key in left hand, in sailing ship, with nude woman on hull (Astrological Sign: Navis Exima); Cynocephalus, inscribed DIMIDIUM KINOKEFALI CLAUEM ET SPICULA MANU SINISTRA GERENS DEXTERA LANCEAM, as half figure, with spear in right hand and with key in left hand, beside tree (Astrological Sign: Cynocephalus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Hybrid man with goat's body, inscribed MEDIETAS HOMO. MEDIETAS AERIS (sic), holding sheaf of grain in left hand, beside female centaur, inscribed VXOR EIUS MEDIETATE TAURO SIMILIS ARANS CUM BOBET (sic), wearing veil, guiding plow pulled by two yoked oxen (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Man, inscribed FORMA DISCEPTI CORPORIS, holding rod in right hand (Astrological Sign: unidentified); leg of Perseus, inscribed PERSEI GENU (Constellation: Perseus); forequarters of bull, inscribed DORSUM TAURI (Constellation: Taurus); stream of water, inscribed FLUUIUS (Constellation: Eridanus).


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MS M.785, fol. 7v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Taurus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Lower half of figure, inscribed MEDIETAS CINCIPITIS (Astrological Sign: unidentified); Man, inscribed VIR ERECTUS ANGUEN TENENS IN MANU, holding coiled serpent in right hand (Constellation: Ophiuchus); man, inscribed VIR SUPRA CURRUM SEDENS MANU HIRCUM TENENS, holding ram, seated in cart pulled by two horses, inscribed EQUI DUO, above cart pulled by two oxen inscribed BOUES DUO (Constellation: Plaustrum ?).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Partially draped man-lion hybrid inscribed VIR CORPORE CONGESTO EX LEONE ET ELEFANTO (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure), facing bearded man, inscribed PUER IPREIUS (sic), seated with right hand extended toward the hybrid man (Astrological Sign: unidentified); bull, inscribed TAURUS PROSTRATUS, lying down (Constellation: Taurus); horse, inscribed EQUUS BOREALIS, wearing saddle and bridle (Astrological Sign: Equus Borealis).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Perseus, inscribed PERSEUS TRAHENS HABENAS EQUI BOREALIS, holding cords in right hand (Constellation: Perseus); head of bull, inscribed CAPUT TAURI (Constellation: Taurus); stream of water inscribed FINIS FLUUII (Constellation: Eridanus).


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MS M.785, fol. 8r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 8v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Gemini -- Two conjoined youths, inscribed GEMINI, with two heads, two arms, and four legs.


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MS M.785, fol. 9r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Gemini in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Animal tail, inscribed CAUDA KENOKEFALI (Astrological Sign: Cynocephalus); man, inscribed VIR UIRGANS MANU TENENS, wearing hat, holding goad in right hand and with left hand reins of two horses hitched to one of two carts, inscribed DUO CURRUS (Constellation: Plaustrum ?); second cart pulled by two horses, one of which is ridden by man, inscribed VIR AGITANS, holding goad in right hand (Astrological Sign: Vir Agitans); head of monster, inscribed CAPUT SIRA CERASTIS (Astrological Sign: Cerastes).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Woman, inscribed MULIER FORMOSA ARTE SUENDI UALDE DOCTA QUERENS MONILIA, veiled, points with left hand toward cloth, inscribed PANNI, held in left hand of man, inscribed FILIUS, with pouch at waist and with right hand raised; behind him is mirror, inscribed SPECULUM PROLUCIDUM UENERIS (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Woman, inscribed MULIER QUE DICITUR AURIGA. CAPUT EIUS ET GENU DEXTRUM, wearing headdress, only right side of body shown (Constellation: Auriga ?); horn of bull, inscribed CORNU TAURI (Constellation: Taurus); Orion, inscribed HUMERUS SINSTER ORIONIS, wearing headgear, only left side of body shown (Constellation: Orion); head and forequarters of rabbit, inscribed CAPUT LEPORIS CUM PEDE (Constellation: Lepus).


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MS M.785, fol. 9v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Gemini in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Man, inscribed VIR AUREO CANENS CALAMO TERLBELES ARABICES, with pouch at waist, playing shawm beside tree, around which twines serpent, inscribed SERPENS UEL COLUBER ASCENDENS ARBOREM FUGIENS TERWELEM (sic) (Constellation: Hercules); headless animal with bat wings, inscribed MEDIUM CERASTIS (Astrological Sign: Cerastes); wolf, inscribed LUPUS ASSIGNATUS (Constellation: Lupus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR ETHIOPE CUIUS CAPUT UITRE RAPIENS EX ARBORE ET ORTO, wearing helmet and armor, with sword sheathed at waist, holding bow in right hand and object, possibly mirror or monstrance, in left hand, beside three trees, two with fruit, inscribed LIGNUM ODORIFERUM DE PARADYSO. Man, inscribed ORTOLANUS CUM LANCEA ET RAPA IN MANU DEXTRA (sic), with pouch at waist, holding spear in left hand, hoes ground beneath trees with hoe held in right hand (Astrological Sign: Vir Ethiops).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Right hand, inscribed DEXTRA AURIGE MANUS (Constellation: Auriga); hindquarters of bull, inscribed POSTERIORA TAURI (Constellation: Taurus); Orion, inscribed CAPUT ORIONIS HUMERI MANUS PECTUS PES DEXTER, with left leg missing (Constellation: Orion); headless forequarters of rabbit, inscribed PECTUS LEPORIS (Constellation: Lepus).
The three registers correspond to three different astrological systems, the Persian, Indian, and Greek. The top register corresponds to the Sphaera Persica (also called the Sphaera Barbarica), the middle register to the Sphaera Indica, and the lower register to the Sphaera Graeca (the familiar Ptolemaic constellations). However, aesthetic concerns took precedence over strict adherence to this division. When there was a lack of space, figures from one sphere might be represented in the wrong register, and when there was empty space in a register, objects related to the astrological figures were added.


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MS M.785, fol. 10r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Gemini in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Crowned man, inscribed CORONA UIRIDIS AMPHION MUSICUS QUI TYMPANISTA DICITUR, plays horn beside musical instruments, including violin, inscribed VIOLA and standing drum inscribed TIMPANUM (Astrological Sign: Amphion); barking dog, inscribed CANIS LATRANS (Constellation: Canis or Constellation: Bo³œtes); cloth, inscribed ORNAMENTA SUTORIS (Astrological Sign: unidentified); head and forequarters of bear, inscribed MEDIETAS MINORIS VRSE (Constellation: Ursa Minor); tail of serpent, inscribed CAUDA CERASTIS, ending in funnel-shaped object inscribed LINTE (sic) (Astrological Sign: Cerastes); dolphin, inscribed DELFINUS (Constellation: Delphinus).
3) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR ARMATUS QUERENS VARIS INSTRUMENTA MUSICE ARTIS ET IOCOS, wearing chain mail armor, holding bow and arrow, beside musical instruments, including lute, inscribed VIOLA; violin and bow, inscribed ARCUS VIOLE; harp, inscribed GIGA UEL LIRA, decorated with animal head; and hurdy-gurdy, with attached strap (Astrological Sign: Vir Armatus).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Pollux, inscribed POLLUCIS HUMERUS MANUS ET CETERA, shown without left arm and leg, and Castor, inscribed COXA CASTORIS ET PES, only shown as leg with webbed foot (Constellation: Gemini); hindquarters of rabbit, inscribed PES LEPORIS (Constellation: Lepus); ship, inscribed ARGOLICA NAUIS PLENA OMNI MERCE, containing vases and sacks (Constellation: Argo Navis); dog, inscribed RICTUS CANIS (Constellation: Canis).


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MS M.785, fol. 10v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 11r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Cancer -- Crab, inscribed CANCER, shown as though seen from above.


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MS M.785, fol. 11v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Cancer in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Bearded man, inscribed SATIRUS CAPUT ENEUM TYMPANUM ET LAMINAM FERREAM HABENS. SERMENS AMPHIONIS MUSICI, holding drum inscribed TYMPANUM, and pointing to flat rectangular metal plaque inscribed LAMINA (Astrological Sign: Amphion); hindquarters of bear, faintly inscribed MEDIETA MINORIS URSE (Constellation: Ursa Minor); veiled woman, inscribed PRIMA PUELLA DE TRIBUS VIRGINIBUS CANTANS LAUDES DEORUM, wearing wreath on head, holding sheaf of grain in right hand and wreath of flowers in left hand (Constellation: Virgo); tail of asp, inscribed CAUDA ASPIDIS ZENABRAZ (sic) (Constellation: Serpens); head of animal (scarab) inscribed CAPUT SCARABONIS (Constellation: Cancer).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Hybrid man, inscribed VIR PULCER FORTIS TOTO CORPORE MEDIETAS HOMMIS ALIA MEDIETAS ELEFANTIS ET EQUI, with forequarters of horse and hindquarters of elephant, wearing cap and pointing with left hand toward tree (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure); woman's head, inscribed CALISTO CAPUT (Constellation: Ursa Major); heads of twin youths, inscribed CAPUTA GEMINORUM (Constellation: Gemini); dog, inscribed MINOR CANIS (Constellation: Canis Minor); stern of boat inscribed RELIQUUM PUPPIS (Argo Navis).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Boat, inscribed PUPPIS ARGOS CUM REMIGIO, in which sit two men, inscribed DUO FRATRES, one wearing headgear, and the other holding oar in left hand (Constellation: Argo Navis).


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MS M.785, fol. 12r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Cancer in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Virgo, inscribed PUELLA SECUNDA, stands beside rocks and trees and holds sheaf of wheat or feather or palm (Constellation: Virgo); head of ass, inscribed DIMIDIUM AURIUM ASINI SEPTENTRIONALIS (sic) (Constellation: Asinus); head and forequarters of dog, inscribed ANTERIOR MEDIETAS CANIS (Constellation: Canis); body of winged animal, inscribed MEDIUM ASPIDIS ZENABRAZ (sic) (Constellation: Serpens ?); body of animal (scarab ?), inscribed MEDIUM SCARA BONIS (Constellation: Cancer).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Crowned woman, inscribed PUELLA PLACIDA CORONATA UIRGAN MANU TENENS PERGENS AD TEMPLA DEORUM CANENS DE AMORE DEORUM ET LAUDIBUS ILLOROUM, holding rod in right hand, stands before building inscribed TEMPLUM, inside of which is altar inscribed ARA DEORUM (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Woman, inscribed CAPUT CALISTO CUM CORPORE (Constellation: Ursa Major); crab claws, inscribed FORCIPES CANCRI (Constellation: Cancer); stern of ship, inscribed FINIS PUPPIS ARGOS (Constellation: Argo Navis).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 12v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Cancer in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Woman, inscribed PUELLA TERCIA DE TRIBUS SORORIBUS, holding sheaf of grain (?) in right hand (Constellation: Virgo); ears of ass, inscribed AURES ASINI (Constellation: Asinus); hindquarters of dog, faintly inscribed POSTERIOR PARE CANIS (sic) (Constellation: Canis); ass, inscribed SECUNDUS ASINUS AUSTRALIS (Constellation: Asinus); tail of animal (scarab ?), inscribed FINIS SCARABONIS (Constellation: Cancer).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR HABENS PEDES SIMILES TORTUCE, wearing hood, with animal feet, holding snake inscribed ANGUIS EXTENTUS, beside fringed cloth inscribed TELA LINI, gathered cloth inscribed PANNUS, filled pouch inscribed MARSUPIUM PLENA, cloth or garment hanging from rack inscribed INDUMENTUM NEGOCIATORIS, and ship, inscribed NAUIS ILLIUS CUM QUI COGITAT IRE NEGOCIATUM (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Head of bear, inscribed CAPUT URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); headless, nude figure of Castor inscribed MANUS DEXTRA ET PES CASTORIS, only right side of body and right arm and leg shown (Constellation: Gemini); head of crab, inscribed AURES CANERI ET OCULI (Constellation: Cancer); sail inscribed, VELUM NAUIS ARGOS (Constellation: Argo Navis); serpent head, inscribed CAPUT ASSUA UEL COLUBRI (sic) (Constellation: Serpens).


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MS M.785, fol. 13r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

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MS M.785, fol. 13v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Leo -- Lion, inscribed LEO, with mane, shown in three-quarter profile.


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MS M.785, fol. 14r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Leo in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Dog tail, inscribed CAUDA CANIS (Constellation: Canis); bow and arrow (Constellation: Sagitta ?); lion head, inscribed CAPUT LEONIS (Constellation: Leo); man, holding oar, in half boat inscribed DOMICILIA NAUIS EUM VENUS ET NAUCLERO (Constellation: Argo Navis ?); head of ass, inscribed CAPUT ASINI (Constellation: Asinus); head of one-horned hydra inscribed CAPUT YDRE (Constellation: Hydra); head of horse, inscribed CAPUT EQUI (Constellation: Equuleus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Tree, inscribed ARBOR, before dog, faintly inscribed CANIS ... (sic) (Constellation: Canis ?); swaddled infant in cradle (crib), inscribed FERETRUM CARUNE (sic), beside two spears or arrows and two men, inscribed VIR LUGENS EAM ET PARENTES EIUS. ISTE EST DOMINUS EQUI VESPICIENS UERSUS BOREAM HABENS SAGIT TAM VRSE SIMILI ILLAM EXPECTANS, one wearing cap, with right hand raised to his face and the other wearing pouch at waist (Astrological Sign: unidentified); head of dog, inscribed CAPUT CANIS (Constellation: Canis).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Hind leg of bear, inscribed COLLUM URSE CUM PEDE SINISTRO (Constellation: Ursa Major); left hand of Castor, inscribed MANUS CASTORIS SINISTRA (Constellation: Gemini); body and foreleg of lion, inscribed RICTUS LEONIS (Constellation: Leo); stern of ship, inscribed MEDIUM NAVIS (Constellation: Argo Navis).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 14v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Leo in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Nude idol, inscribed YDOLUM ELEUATUM DAMANS DEOS (Astrological Sign: Idol); psaltery, grate (?), and drum inscribed CUM QUO PSALTERIUM TIBIA TYMPANUM SALTATORIA ET ALIA HUIUSDI (Astrological Sign: Musical Instrument); two men, one holding cloth and the other seated on bench, wearing headgear, holding leaf in right hand and pitcher in left hand; two men, inscribed CIFUM PLENUM UINO TUNSENES OBTRULIT IN HONORE DEORUM ET CASTOR (sic) (Constellation: Gemini); winged body of hydra inscribed CERUIX YDRE (Constellation: Hydra); stern of ship, inscribed SECUNDA MEDIETAS NAUIS (Constellation: Argo Navis).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Shoulder and leg of horse, inscribed MEDIUM EQUI (Constellation: Equuleus); crowned man, inscribed VIR ACUTO NASO IN CAPITE HABENS CORONAM EX ALBO MIRTO. LEONINI COLORIS SINDONE INDICTUS. ARCUM SAGITTAS FERENS LATRO ATROX UT LEO, with cloth draping right hand, standing beside bow, five arrows, and knotted cloth inscribed SINDONIS (Astrological Sign: Crowned Man).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Man, inscribed HUMERUS DEXTER MAIORIS ARTHUROS (sic), as half-figure with right arm only (Constellation: Bo³œtes ?); hind leg of lion, inscribed CERUIX LEONIS ET ARMUS (Constellation: Leo); body of serpent, inscribed MEDIUM COLUBRI (Constellation: Serpens); prow of ship, inscribed PRORA ARGOS (Constellation: Argo Navis).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 15r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Leo in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Man, inscribed SEDOS FLAGELLUM, wearing cap, holding goad in right hand and with left hand on end of cart, inscribed AGITANS PLAUSTRUM FLAGELLO HOMO DE SUPER SEDENS, in which sits woman (?), wearing cap, holding reins of two horses hitched to cart behind two oxen, beside which stands man, inscribed PARUULUS MANU SINISTRA TAURUM ET VACAM PRECEDENS, wearing hat and with purse at waist, holding rod (Constellation: Plaustrum ?); raven, inscribed CORUUS ( Constellation: Corvus); part of serpent's body, inscribed MEDIUM YDRE (Constellation: Hydra); hindquarters of horse and ass, inscribed POSTREMITATES EQUI ET ASINI (Constellation: Equuleus, and Constellation: Asinus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Black man, inscribed VIR FORMA ETHIOPS ORECARNEM TENENS SINISTRA URNEUM TENENS. MANU DEXTERA POMUM (sic), with piece of meat in mouth, wearing pouch at waist, holding fruit in right hand and bucket in left hand, beside fire, inscribed IGNIS (Astrological Sign: Vir Ethiops).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Shoulder of bear, inscribed PECTUS MAIORIS URSE (Constellation: Ursa Major); body of lion, inscribed MEDIUM LEONIS (Constellation: Leo); part of serpent, inscribed PARS COLUBRI (Constellation: Serpens).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 15v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 16r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Virgo -- Woman, inscribed VIRGO, winged, wearing veil and ermine-lined dress, stands and holds sheaf of wheat in right hand.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 16v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Virgo in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Before house sits woman, inscribed SECLIODAMA ARABICE DEFAA SPICAM DEFERENS. SUPER SOLIUM SEDENS PUERUM NUTIENS (sic), holding spoon-like object in right hand and sheaf of grain (?) in left hand, beside boy, inscribed, FILIUS, with hands extended toward the sheaf of wheat and bearded man, inscribed VIR IBI SEDENS QUASI CUSTOS PUERI, seated on bench, all below star, inscribed STELLA (Astrological Sign: Holy Family); head of raven, inscribed CAPUT CORUI (Constellation: Corvus); lion head, inscribed CAPUT LEONIS (Constellation: Leo).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Crowned woman, inscribed PUELLA UIRGO PORTANS FACIENS HOMINIS IN MANU SUA VOLENS DOMOS PARENTUM IRE, holds bearded head in draped hands, standing beside building, inscribed HEREDITATES PUERI, in which are vessels and cloths hanging from rod (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Animal tail, inscribed CUSPIS (Constellation: Draco); body of serpent, inscribed PARS COLUBRI (Constellation: Serpens); hindquarters of bear, inscribed CAUDA CUM PEDE ET CLUNIS URSE (Constellation: Ursa Major); hindquarters of lion, inscribed LEONIS PEDES ET CAUDA (Constellation: Leo); wooden vessel with spout, inscribed CRATER (Constellation: Crater); head of serpent inscribed CAPUT COLUBRI (Constellation: Serpens).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 17r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Virgo in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Man, inscribed MUSICUS TYMPANUM PROCUTIENS CALAMO AUREO CANENS, wearing hat, with pouch at waist, with drum in right hand and playing shawm held in left hand (Astrological Sign: Musician); man, inscribed PROLICA LINGUA EBEZE UEL FERETI, with joined hands raised (Astrological Sign: unidentified); half-figure of man with bull's head (Minotaur), inscribed HOMO CUI CAPUT TAURI IN MANU EIUS DIMIDIUS HOMO NUDUS, holding half-figure of nude man in raised left hand (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure); headless body of raven, inscribed DIMIDIUM CORUI (Constellation: Corvus); tail of serpent, inscribed CAUDA YDRE (Constellation: Hydra); body of lion, inscribed DIMIDIUM LEONIS (Constellation: Leo); mound of earth with small tree (?), inscribed DIMIDIUM FISSORUM LIGNORUM (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
1) Sphaera Indica:
Bearded man, inscribed VIR NIGER HYRSUTUS TRIPLICI PANNO INDICTUS FERENS MANU IN CAUSTUM (sic), holding torch in left hand, beside purse, inscribed MARSUPIUM, and table, inscribed MENSA UBI CAMBIT PECUNIAM SUAM (Astrological Sign: Vir Niger).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Hindquarters of animal, inscribed CAUDA DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); hindquarters of bear, inscribed SPINA CUM CAUDA URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); head and half torso of male (?) figure, inscribed CAPUT UIRGINIS (Constellation: Virgo); head of raven, inscribed CAPUT CORUI (Constellation: Corvus); hindquarters of centaur, inscribed CAUDA CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 17v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Virgo in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Two-horned man, inscribed MEDIETAS MINORIS TAURI, holding sickle (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure); tail of raven, inscribed CAUDA CORUI (Constellation: Corvus); lower half of nude male figure, inscribed MEDIETAS HOMINIS NUDI (Astrological Sign: Vir Nudus); rock with tree; hindquarters of lion, inscribed CAUDA LEONIS (Constellation: Leo); two bulls, inscribed DUO TAURI (Constellation: Taurus ?); knee (?) and ear of corn, inscribed ARISTA (Constellation: Virgo).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Woman, inscribed MULIER MUTA CASTA CANDIDA LINEO INDICTA COGITANS UISITARE TEMPLA, wearing hood, pointing toward temple inscribed TEMPLUM, behind which is bird perched on tree (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Tail of dragon, inscribed CAUDA DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); hindquarters of bear, inscribed SPINA CUM CAUDA URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); headless body of raven, inscribed SPINA CORUI UEL ADDE UUEBA (sic) (Constellation: Corvus); right arm of figure, inscribed HUMERUS UIRGINIS DEXTRA (Constellation: Virgo); wing, inscribed INTERALARES (Constellation: Corvus); hindquarters of centaur, inscribed CLUNIS CENTAURI CUM CAUDA (Constellation: Centaurus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 18r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 18v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Libra -- Woman, inscribed LIBRA, veiled, stands holding scales in right hand.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 19r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Libra in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Lamb, held in right hand of man inscribed AGNUS. VIR IRACUNDUS IN SINISTRA MANU EIUS STATERA KARAS MUNE, hooded, holding scales in left hand (Astrological Sign: Alzubena); lectern with two books and cloth; man, inscribed MUSICUS TYMPANUM PERCUCIENS CALAMO CANENO, wearing hat, with drum suspended around neck, astride horse (Astrological Sign: Musician); body of bear, inscribed PARS URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); head of dragon, inscribed CAPUT DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); keel of ship, inscribed CARINA (Constellation: Argo Navis).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Hindquarters of bear, inscribed COXA MAIORIS VRSE (Constellation: Ursa Major); hindquarters of stag, inscribed CAUDA CERUI ET COXA (Astrological Sign: Cervus); woman, inscribed CAPUT ET MANUS SINISTRA UIRGINIS, as half figure, holding sheaf of wheat in left hand (Constellation: Virgo); arm, inscribed MANUS DEXTRA UIRGINIS; winged body of serpent inscribed PARS COLUBRI AUSTRALIS IN ASUA (Constellation: Serpens); tail of serpent (?), inscribed CAUDA ASSUA (sic) (Constellation: Serpens); centaur, inscribed PEGASUS, holding spoon-like object in right hand and sheaf of wheat in left hand (Constellation: Pegasus).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Man, inscribed VIR AGITANS HERMEDITUS CALAMO CANTAT FLAGELLUM TENET IN MANU, wearing cap, holding goad (?) in left hand and playing horn held in right hand, walking behind cart pulled by two horses (Constellation: Plaustrum ?); half figure of man inscribed ISTE TENET CANISTRUM, holding small bucket in left hand, beside half figure of hooded man, inscribed CRUMENE, holding pouch in left hand; to right are basket (?), inscribed FARINARII FARINA (sic), sieve, inscribed CRIBELLUM, and goblet, inscribed CIPHUS (Astrological Sign: unidentified).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 19v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Libra in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Man, inscribed VIR RESIDNS LECTUE (sic), wearing cap, sits in bed, beside which stand a man and woman, wearing head scarf, both inscribed SOCII STANT QUASI SERUIENTES (Astrological Sign: unidentified); prow of ship, inscribed MEDIUM NAUIS (Constellation: Argo Navis); hindquarters of bear, isncribed MEDIUM MAIORIS VRSE (Constellation: Ursa Major); stream of water, inscribed AQUA FONTIS (Constellation: Aquarius); winged body of dragon, inscribed MEDIUM DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); forequarters of centaur, inscribed CENTAURI PARS (Constellation: Centaurus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Bird-headed man, inscribed VIR VULTU SIMILIS ARCHIMIE, nude, with feathered wings and bird feet, standing beside woman, inscribed VXOR ILLIUS, wearing veil, holding skirts in left hand and with right hand raised, and youth, inscribed ET PROLES, with right hand raised (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Tail of dragon, inscribed PARS CAUDE DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); hindquarters of bear inscribed CAUDA URSE MAIORIS (Constellation: Ursa Major); lower half of figure of Virgo, inscribed MEDIUM VIRGINIS, seated on bench (Constellation: Virgo); winged horse (Pegasus ?), inscribed EQUUS CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 20r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Libra in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Dragon's tail, inscribed CAUDA DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); stern of ship, inscribed PUPPIS NAUIS (Constellation: Argo Navis); hindquarters of horse, inscribed VLTIMA CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus); hindquarters of bear, inscribed COXA ET CAUDA URSE MAIORIS (Constellation: Ursa Major); nude man, inscribed ARBEDIUS NOMINE, beside crown, inscribed CORONA ARBEDII (Astrological Sign: Arbedius); two men, one wearing hood, embracing, inscribed ESTUARIUS (Astrological Sign: unidentified); cloud, inscribed CELUM (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
1) Sphaera Indica:
Donkey-headed man, inscribed VIR EQUINI VULTUS PERIT VENATUM, with quiver of arrows at waist, aiming bow and arrow toward stag, inscribed CERUUS (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure, and Scene, Sports and Games: Hunting, Deer).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Dragon's tail, inscribed PARS CAUDE DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); Arcas, inscribed MEDIETAS ARCHADIS, headless, only right half of figure shown (Constellation: Ursa Minor ?); hindquarters of horse, inscribed COXA CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus); bust and left arms of Virgo, inscribed MEDIETAS UIRGINIS (Constellation: Virgo); wolf, inscribed LUPUS (Constellation: Lupus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 20v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 21r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio -- Scorpion, inscribed SCORPIO, with bear-like face, shown as though seen from above.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 21v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Scorpio in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Hindquarters of horse, inscribed FINIS EQUI MASCULI QUI HEC DEMUS DICITUR (Constellation: Centaurus); hindquarters of bull, inscribed VLTIMA MEDIETAS TAURI (Constellation: Taurus); bald man, inscribed NIGELLUS HASTA DARDANIA, holding raised spear in right hand (Astrological Sign: unidentified); pair of cymbals, inscribed CYMBALUM (Astrological Sign: Musical Instrument).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Woman, inscribed MULIER CIBOS GESTANS, holding basket in right hand and pitcher in left hand, and man, inscribed VIRO SUO MARGO, wearing pouch at waist, holding mace (?) over right shoulder, both flanking tree (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Man, inscribed ARCHADIUS, holding in right hand head of Medusa (?), inscribed CAPUT GORGONIS QUOD ALAVNE DICITUR (Constellation: Perseus and Caput Medusa); animal tail; man's breast, inscribed PECTUS LIBRE (Constellation: Libra ?); hindquarters and tail of wolf, inscribed CLUNIS LUPI CUM CAUDA (Constellation: Lupus); crown, inscribed CORONA ADRIAGNES (Constellation: Corona); centaur's tail, inscribed CAUDA CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 22r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Scorpio in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Nude man, inscribed VIR NUDUS CUI NOMEN ASFALIUS (Astrological Sign: Vir Nudus); hindquarters of horse, inscribed MEDIUM EQUI (Constellation: Centaurus); body of bull, inscribed MEDIUM TAURI (Constellation: Taurus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Draped, nude (?) woman, inscribed MULIER PLANETA NOMINE PECUNIAM HABENS IN MARI CUM PEDE ASTRICTO ESTUAMS IN FLUCTUAMS ET TAMQUAM LITORA CAPTANS, wearing veil, holding pouch-like object in left hand, stands beside stream, trees, and tower, inscribed TURRIS (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Bear paw, inscribed LACERTUM URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); dragon's tail, inscribed CAUDA DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); shoulders of male (?) figure, inscribed PECTUS GORGONIS QUOD ALAUE DICITUR (Constellation: Caput Medusa); body of wolf, inscribed DORSUM LUPI (Constellation: Lupus); crown, inscribed CORONA SEPTENTRIONAL (Constellation: Corona); leg, inscribed COXA LIBRE (Constellation: Libra ?); animal head, inscribed CAPUT SERPENTIS (Constellation: Serpens); scorpion claws, inscribed CHELES SCORPIONIS (Constellation: Scorpio).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 22v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Scorpio in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Tail and forequarters of horse inscribed ANTERIOR PARS EQUI INGENTIS MASCULI. CAUDA SUPER TERGUM REUERSA (Constellation: Centaurus); forequarters of bull, inscribed PARS ANTERIOR TAURI (Constellation: Taurus); man, inscribed TESTA ADOPERTI IN MANIBUS SUIS GESTANS GEMINOS ANGUES (sic), wearing hat, holding two serpents (Constellation: Serpentarius).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Dog, inscribed CANIS FURIOSUS SILUAM CIRCUIENS, chasing boar, inscribed PORCUS, and stag, inscribed CERUUS, in landscape with trees (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Mid body of animal, inscribed PECTUS MINORIS ARTHOTOS (sic) (Astrological Sign: unidentified); winged body of dragon, inscribed SINUS DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); man holding snake's tail in right hand inscribed EUGE SEMIS SERPENTEM TENENS BRACHIO DEXTRO (sic) (Constellation: Serpentarius); body of scorpion with six legs, inscribed VENTER SCORPIONIS (Constellation: Scorpio); censer, inscribed CAPUT THURIBULI IGNIFERI (Constellation: Ara).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 23r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 23v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius -- Centaur, inscribed SAGITTARIUS, wearing garment, looks over left shoulder, aiming arrow toward right.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 24r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Sagittarius in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Headless nude man, inscribed VIR NUDUS CAPITE DIMINUTUS (sic) (Astrological Sign: Vir Nudus); crow, inscribed CORUUS, perched on head of nude man in boat inscribed, NAUIS (Astrological Sign: unidentified); dog, inscribed CANIS CUIUS CAPUT AD CAUDAM, biting his own tail (Constellation: Canis).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Centaur, inscribed CENTAURUS MEDIETATE SUPREMA VIR NUDUS DEINCEPS EQUUS ARCUM TENENS, aiming bow and arrow toward man's head inscribed CERUIX MINORIS ARCHOS (Astrological Sign: unidentified); nude figure, inscribed ALCIDE CAPUT CUM PARTE DORSI, no arms or legs shown (Constellation: Hercules ?); dragon's head, inscribed CAPUT DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Nude man, inscribed ANGUI TENENTIS HUMERUS DEXTRA CLUNIS CUM CRURE ET PEDE SINISTRA (sic), wearing cap, holding serpent twined around right arm (Constellation: Serpentarius); scorpion stinger, inscribed ACULEUS SCORPIONIS (Constellation: Scorpio); censer, inscribed THUIRBULUM (Constellation: Ara).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 24v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Sagittarius in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Hooded man, inscribed CEPHEUS SINISTRA MANU CANIS FAUCES. DEXTRO CAPRICORNI CORNUA PREMENS PEDE, with goat under right foot and holding jaw of dog in left hand (Constellation: Cepheus); rabbit, inscribed LEPUS (Constellation: Lepus); lion's head, inscribed CAPUT LEONIS (Constellation: Leo); hooded man seated in boat, inscribed MEDIETAS NAUIS CUM NAUTA (Constellation: Argo Navis); dolphin's head and dorsal fin, inscribed DIMIDIUM DELPHINIS (Constellation: Delphinus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Head and forequarters of winged fantastic animal, inscribed MEDIETAS AUSTURCONIS (sic) (Astrological Sign: Asturcon); veiled woman seated on camel, inscribed MULIER CAMELUM SEDENS PILOSA PANNIS INDUTA; castle, inscribed CASTELLUM (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Bear's shoulder, inscribed PECTUS URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); leg, inscribed GENU ALCIDE (Constellation: Hercules); standing vulture, inscribed VULTUR UOLANS (Constellation: Aquila); flying vulture, inscribed VULTUR (Constellation: Lyra); half figure of man, inscribed ANGUI TENENTIS CAPUT (sic), holding two serpents in right hand and bow and arrow in left hand (Constellation: Serpentarius).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 25r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Sagittarius in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Forequarters of dog leaping toward seated rabbit, inscribed LEPUS, (Constellation: Lepus); dog, inscribed CANIS IN CUIUS ORE MANUS KEAKASSII (sic), holding dismembered hand in mouth (Constellation: Canis); headless body of nude man in boat, inscribed SECUNDA MEDIETAS NAUIS (Constellation: Argo Navis); body of lion, inscribed CORPUS LEONIS (Constellation: Leo); tails of dragon and serpent, inscribed DRACONIS ET SERPENTIS (Constellation: Draco, and Constellation: Serpens); tail of fish, inscribed DELPHINIS (Constellation: Delphinus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR AUREI COLORIS, wearing hat, holding lighted torch in each hand, standing before bed, inscribed LECTUS (Astrological Sign: Vir Aurei Coloris).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Tail of dragon, inscribed PARS DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); hindquarters of bear, inscribed CORPUS MINORIS VRSE (Constellation: Ursa Minor); vulture, inscribed OLOR UEL VULTUR CADENS (Constellation: Lyra); tail of serpent, inscribed CAUDA SERPENTIS (Constellation: Serpens); forequarters of Sagittarius, inscribed CAPUT SAGITTARIUS CUM HUMERO ET CUM PEDIBUS ANTERIORIBUS, aiming bow and arrow (Constellation: Sagittarius).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 25v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 26r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Capricornus -- Hybrid animal, inscribed CAPRICORNUS, with the head and forequarters of goat and spiraled tail of sea monster.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 26v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Capricornus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Hindquarters of bear, inscribed SECUNDA MEDIETAS URSE MAIORIS (Constellation: Ursa Major); woman, inscribed MULIER (Constellation: Virgo ?); fish head, inscribed CAPUT PISCIS NIGENTIS (Constellation: Pisces); dog-headed monkey hybrid, inscribed CORPUS SIMIE CUM CAPITE CANIS SCILICET FERA DOLOSA (Astrological Sign: Fere Dolose).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR NIGER HIRSUTUS, with large nose, wearing hood, with pouch at waist, holding net inscribed RETHE PISCATORUM, before barn containing ass and oxen, inscribed JUMENTA (Astrological Sign: Vir Niger).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Body of bear, inscribed DIMIDIUM URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); head and forequarters of dragon, inscribed PRIMA PARS DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); bird hybrid, inscribed FINIS CIGNI ID EST TORTUCA (sic) (Constellation: Cygnus); hindquarters of rooster, inscribed FINIS GALLI (Constellation: Gallus); man inscribed ADDITAMENTUM ARTOFILACIS PASTORIS ATQUE EQUI SUI, wearing hat, with left hand raised, above forequarters of horse, lying down (Astrological Sign: unidentified).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 27r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Capricornus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Veiled woman, inscribed MULIER LECTICA RESIDENS, seated on bench, flanked by grapevine, inscribed VITIS, and tree, inscribed ARBOR (Constellation: Virgo); body of fish, inscribed MEDIUM PISCIS INGENTIS (Constellation: Piscis Austrinus); hindquarters of monkey, inscribed MEDIUM FERA DOLOSE (Astrological Sign: Fere Dolose); stream of water, inscribed FONS NOCIUUS (Constellation: Aquarius); back of cart, inscribed DIMIDIUM PLAUSTRA (Constellation: Plaustrum).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Fire, inscribed IGNIS, beside metal utensil, possibly hoe, inscribed INSTRUMENTUM FERREUM (Astrological Sign: unidentified); head of ass, inscribed CAPUT ASINE (Constellation: Asinus); head of weasel (?), inscribed CAPUT MUSTELE (Astrological Sign: Weasel); woman, inscribed MULIER NIGRA PANNIS, holding skirts with left hand and with right hand on breast, beside purse, inscribed MARSUPIUM and PECUNIA (Astrological Sign: Woman)
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Dragon's tail, inscribed PARS CAUDE DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); hindquarters of bear, inscribed POSTREMUS URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); spear, inscribed TELUM (Constellation: Sagitta); head and forequarters of cock, inscribed ALA GALLINE CUM COLLO ET CAPITE (Constellation: Gallus); goat horns, inscribed CORNUA CAPRICORNI (Constellation: Capricornus); headless body of eagle, inscribed CORPUS AQUILE (Constellation: Aquila); headless body of horse, inscribed FINIS SAGITTARIUS (Constellation: Sagittarius).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 27v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Capricornus in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Fish tail, inscribed CAUDA PISCIS (Constellation: Piscis Austrinus); cart, inscribed SECUNDA MEDIETAS PLAUSTRI (Constellation: Plaustrum); stream of water, inscribed POSTREMUM PRINCIPIUM FONTIS AQUA NOCIUE (Constellation: Aquarius); leg of monkey, inscribed POSTREMUM FERE DOLOSE (Astrological Sign: Fere Dolose); headless, nude man, inscribed RES MONSTRUOSA, holding his head in right hand (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Veiled woman, inscribed MULIER UISI PLACIDA CELIS NIGRAS, holding distaff and spindle, beside four objects, including distaff, swirls of thread (?) and rod from which hangs cloth (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Bear leg, inscribed CLUNIS URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); body of dragon, inscribed FINIS DRACONIS (Constellation: Draco); fish tail, inscribed DELFINI (Constellation: Delphinus); fish tail, inscribed CAUDA PISCIS (Constellation: Piscis Austrinus); body of cock, inscribed PES GALLINE DEXTRA CUM ALA (Constellation: Gallus); torso and arms of figure, inscribed BRACHIA AQUARII (Constellation: Aquarius); head and forequarters of goat, inscribed MEDIETAS CAPRICORN (Constellation: Capricornus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 28r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 28v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius -- Man, inscribed AQUARIUS, hooded, seated on ground with legs crossed, pours water from vase.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 29r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Aquarius in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Panther-headed man, inscribed PANTHERA TRAHENS EQUUM, wearing robe, seated on bench, with left hand raised to head and in right hand holding reins of saddled horse (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure); crane, inscribed ALES (Constellation: Grus), grasping fish, inscribed PISCIS (Constellaion: Piscis Austrinus), above water inscribed AQUA (Constellation: Aquarius).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR ETHIOPS INDUTUS TAPETO, wearing semi-transparent woven garment, surrounded by three metal vessels, including pitcher and vase, inscribed VASA ENEA, and three wooden vessel, including bucket, wooden barrel, and pitcher, inscribed VASA LIGNEA (Astrological Sign: Vir Ethiops).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Hindquarters of bear, inscribed POSTERITAS URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); right side of body of nude man, inscribed PES ET MANUS DEXTRA CEPHEI (Constellation: Cepheus); hindquarters of cock, inscribed FINIS ALE SINISTRE (Constellation: Gallus); horse head inscribed CAPUT EQUI PARUI (Constellation: Equuleus); fish tail, inscribed POSTREMITAS PISCIS AUSTRALIS (Constellation: Piscis Austrinus); head of figure, inscribed CAPUT AQUARII CUM HUMERO (Constellation: Aquarius); animal tail, inscribed CLUNIS CAPRICORNI CUM CAUDA (Constellation: Capricornus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 29v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Aquarius in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Bridled horse led by man, inscribed VIR MANU DEXTRA TRAHENS EQUUM IN SINISTRA TENES ARCUM, holding bow in left hand, standing on back of pig with two serpents in mouth (Astrological Sign: unidentified); head of gull, inscribed ALA MERGI CUM CAPITE (Constellation: Cygnus ?); torso and head of centaur, inscribed MEDIETAS CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Hybrid man, inscribed VIR FORMA AC VULTU ETHIOPIS IN MANU ARCUM ET SPICULA GESTANS, with head of ass (?), holding bow and arrow, beside four vessels and seventeen rocks (gems), inscribed LAPIS PRECIOSUS (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Head and forequarters of bear, inscribed ANTERIOR PARS URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); right half of body of Cepheus, inscribed COXA ET CRUS CEPHEI (Constellation: Cepheus); torso and right arm and leg of Aquarius, inscribed HUMERUS DEXTER AQUARII, pouring water from pitcher (Constellation: Aquarius); fish head, inscribed CAPUT PISCIS (Constellation: Piscis Austrinus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 30r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Aquarius in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Crane-like bird, inscribed ALTRILIS (sic) (Astrological Sign: Grus ?); headless bird, inscribed FINIS AUIS (Constellation: Corvus ?); head and shoulders of woman (?), inscribed MEDIETAS HOMINIS (Astrological Sign: unidentified); body of centaur, inscribed POSTREMITAS CENTAURI (Constellation: Centaurus); saddled horse, inscribed EQUUS TRAHENS (Constellation: Equuleus).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Hybrid man, inscribed VIR ATROX AURE PILOSA (sic), with horse head, holding objects in each hand, standing beside tree inscribed ARBOR beside vessel filled with coins, inscribed VAS PECUNIE (Astrological Sign: Hybrid Figure); head and right half of body of Cepheus, inscribed MEDIETAS CEPHEI CUM CAPITE (Constellation: Cepheus).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Man, inscribed VIR MAN ARCHAM TENENS, holding model of building in both hands (Astrological Sign: unidentified); Aquarius, inscribed MEDIETAS AQUARII CUM VRNA, with right arm and leg shown, pouring water from urn (Constellation: Aquarius); fish head, inscribed ANTERIOR PARS PISCIS AUSTRALIS (Constellation: Piscis Austrinus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 30v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 31r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Zodiac Sign: Pisces -- Two fish, inscribed PISCES, abdomens facing, heads in opposite directions, with mouths attached by cord.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 31v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

First Decanus of Pisces in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Head, forequarters, and wings of Pegasus, inscribed ANTERIOR PARS EQUI CUM ALIS (Constellation: Pegasus); head and torso of fantastic animal, inscribed CAPUT CENTAURI CUM CORNIBUS CERUI IN NARIBUS EIUS COLUBRI GEMINI (sic), with antlers, and two serpents extending from nostrils (Astrological Sign: Cervotaurus); head of crocodile, inscribed CAPUT COCODRILLI (Constellation: Draco); head and claws of scorpion, inscribed CAPUT SCORPIONIS CUM GEMINIS IN ORE COLUBRIS, with two serpents in mouth (Constellation: Scorpio).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Man, inscribed VIR ORNATE UESTITUS HABENS MAN TENACEM FERREAM, with right hand in pocket (?), holding pincers in left hand, standing beside net containing three fish, inscribed PISCES, fire, inscribed IGNIS, and house, inscribed DOMUS (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Hindquarters of bear, inscribed POSTREMITAS URSE MINORIS (Constellation: Ursa Minor); arm of Cepheus, inscribed BRACHIUM SINISTRUM CEPHEI (Constellation: Cepheus); forequarters of horse, inscribed VENTER EQUI CUM COLLO SECUNDI (Constellation: Equuleus); fish head, inscribed PRINCIPIUM PISCIS PRIMI (Constellation: Pisces); wooden pitcher, inscribed VRNA (Constellation: Crater)


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 32r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Second Decanus of Pisces in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Forequarters of stag, inscribed MEDIUM TAUROCERUI (Astrological Sign: Cervotaurus); body of crocodile, inscribed MEDIUM COCODRILLI (Constellation: Draco); body of scorpion, inscribed MEDIUM SCORPIONIS (Constellation: Scorpio).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Two veiled women, one wearing headdress, inscribed MULIER UENUSTA, beside four figures, including one woman, all inscribed COGNATI EIUS ET NOTI, standing on shore beside man, inscribed NAUIGANS, wearing headgear, holding oars, seated in boat on water (Astrological Sign: Woman).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Leg of Cepheus, inscribed CRUS CEPHEI CUM PEDE (Constellation: Cepheus); arm and hand, inscribed MANUS ANDROMEDE (Constellation: Andromeda); fish tail, inscribed CAUDA CETI POSTREMUM PISCIS SECUNDI (Constellation: Pisces); bearded head inscribed CAPUT CASSIPIE (Constellation: Cassiopeia); fish tail, inscribed CAUDA CETI (Constellation: Cetus); hindquarters of horse, inscribed POSTREMITAS EQUI SECUNDI (Constellation: Equuleus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 32v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Third Decanus of Pisces in three zones:
1) Sphaera Persica:
Hindquarters of bull, inscribed POSTREMUM TAUROCERUI (Astrological Sign: Cervotaurus); scorpion tail, inscribed SCORPIONIS (Constellation: Scorpio); crocodile tail, inscribed FINIS COCDRILLI (Constellation: Draco); animal tail, inscribed COLUBRI FERI (Constellation: Serpens); man, inscribed FERBUDULUS INTER MANUS SUAS RESIDENS (sic), seated with arms around legs, looking over left shoulder (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
2) Sphaera Indica:
Bearded woman (?), inscribed VIR PORRECTIS PEDIBUS MASCULIS PRAEGNANS IN VTERO ETHIOPEM HOMINIS (sic), seated on bench, gesturing with right hand toward hooded man (Astrological Sign: Woman); two men, holding spears, one with open mouth, looking toward man with fire in hands beside castle, inscribed IN RUPE STARIS VOCIFERANS PREMETU PRAE DOMIS ET IGNIS (sic) (Astrological Sign: unidentified).
3) Sphaera Graeca:
Back of chair or throne, inscribed POSTREMUM SOLII (Constellation: Cassiopeia ?); shoulder of Andromeda, inscribed PECTUS ANDROMADE IN EST MULIERIS QUE NON VIDIT VIRUM (Constellation: Andromeda); fringed cloth, inscribed PARS FIMBRII LINEI (Astrological Sign: unidentified); whale tail, inscribed FINIS CETI (Constellation: Cetus).


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 33r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 33v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 34r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Saturn (Saturn in his Houses), Zodiac Sign: Capricornus, and Zodiac Sign: Aquarius -- Saturn, crowned, bearded, partially draped, sits on bench with right foot on seat and holds spade in right hand and scepter with fleur-de-lis in left hand.
Below are Capricornus, and Aquarius, looking toward Saturn.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 34v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Saturn (Saturn in his Counter Houses), Zodiac Sign: Cancer, and Zodiac Sign: Leo -- Saturn, partially draped, seated on bench, slumps forward as crown falls toward ground. Spade leans against bench.
Below are Cancer and Leo.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 35r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Saturn, (Saturn in Exaltation) and Zodiac Sign: Libra -- Saturn, crowned, bearded, partially draped, holding spade in left hand and with right hand raised, sits on carved bench with right leg crossed on left knee.
Below is Libra, shown as seated woman holding scales.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 35v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Saturn (Saturn in Dejection), and Zodiac Sign: Aries -- Saturn, crowned, tumbles head-first to ground beside sickle and spade.
Below is Aries.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 36t

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 36v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Jupiter (Jupiter in his Houses), Zodiac Sign: Pisces, and Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius -- Jupiter, crowned, holding scepter in right hand, sits on throne with left foot on seat.
Below are Pisces and Sagittarius.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 37r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Jupiter (Jupiter in his Counter Houses), Zodiac Sign: Virgo, and Zodiac Sign: Gemini -- Jupiter, crowned, holding scepter in left hand, sits on carved bench and slumps toward right.
Below are Virgo, winged, holding sheaf of grain, and Gemini, as Siamese twins.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 37v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Jupiter (Jupiter in Exaltation), and Zodiac Sign: Cancer -- Jupiter, crowned, holding scepter in left hand and sheaf of grain in right hand, sits on bench.
Below is Cancer.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 38r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Jupiter (Jupiter in Dejection), and Zodiac Sign: Capricornus -- Jupiter, crowned, tumbles head-first to ground.
Below is Capricornus.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 38v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 39r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mars (Mars in his Houses), Zodiac Sign: Aries, and Zodiac Sign: Scorpio -- Mars, wearing armor, holding raised sword in right hand and bird-faced shield in left hand, sits on bench with decapitated figure at his feet.
Below are Aries and Scorpio.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 39v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mars (Mars in his Counter Houses), Zodiac Sign: Libra, and Zodiac Sign: Taurus -- Mars, wearing armor, holding bird-faced shield in left hand, swoons backward toward ground, upon which are spear and sword.
Below are Libra, shown as scales, and Taurus.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 40r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mars (Mars in Exaltation), Zodiac Sign: Capricornus -- Mars, wearing armor, holding sheaf of grain in right hand and sword in left hand, sits on bench with right foot crossed on left knee.
Below is Capricornus.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 40v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mars (Mars in Dejection), Zodiac Sign: Cancer -- Mars, wearing armor, tumbles head-first toward ground, upon which are shield, spear, and sword.
Below is Cancer.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 41r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 41v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Sun (Sun in his House), and Zodiac Sign: Leo -- Sun, inscribed SOL, with rayed nimbus, holding globe of sun in right hand and scepter in left hand, sits on bench.
Below is Leo.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 42r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 42v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Sun (Sun in his Counter House) and Zodiac Sign: Aquarius -- Sun, with rayed nimbus, holding globe of sun in left hand and with right hand on breast, sits on carved bench and swoons backward with right foot on seat.
Below is Aquarius.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 43r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Sun (Sun in Exaltation), and Zodiac Sign: Aries -- Sun, crowned, holding scepter in right hand and with left hand raised, sits on carved bench.
Below is Aries.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 43v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Sun (Sun in Dejection), and Zodiac Sign: Libra -- Sun tumbles head-first to ground beside fallen crown.
Below is Libra, as woman holding scales.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 44r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 44v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Venus, Zodiac Sign: Libra, and Zodiac Sign: Taurus -- Venus, inscribed VENUS, crowned, holding psaltery with both hands, sits on throne.
Below are Libra, shown as woman holding scales, and Taurus.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 45r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Venus (Venus in her Counter Houses), Zodiac Sign: Aries, and Zodiac Sign: Scorpio -- Venus, crowned, with right hand on breast and with left hand on psaltery, leaning toward right, sits on carved bench, beside which are lute and viol.
Below are Aries and Scorpio


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 45v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Venus (Venus in Exaltation), and Zodiac Sign: Pisces -- Venus, crowned, holding cross-surmounted ciborium in right hand and psaltery in left hand, sits on bench.
Below is Pisces.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 46r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Venus (Venus in Dejection), and Zodiac Sign: Virgo -- Venus, crown falling from her head, with left hand on breast, leaning to left, sits on bench, at base of which is psaltery.
Below is Virgo, holding sheaves of grain in both hands.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 46v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 47r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mercury (Mercury in his Houses), Zodiac Sign: Virgo, and Zodiac Sign: Gemini -- Mercury, inscribed MERCURIUS, bearded, wearing hood and eyeglasses, seated at lectern, holds open book with pseudo-inscription.
Below are Virgo, holding sheaf of grain, and Gemini, shown as Siamese twins, holding rod (?) in right hand.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 47v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mercury (Mercury in his Counter Houses), Zodiac Sign: Pisces, and Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius -- Mercury, wearing cap (?), sits turned away from lectern upon which is open book. Two more books, one open with pseudo-inscription, are on ground.
Below are Pisces and Sagittarius.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 48r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mercury (Mercury in Exaltation), and Zodiac Sign: Virgo -- Mercury, with left hand holding viol, with right hand holds pages of open book with pseudo-inscription on lectern.
Below is Virgo, winged, holding sheaf of grain.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 48v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Planet, Mercury (Mercury in Dejection), and Zodiac Sign: Pisces -- Mercury, tonsured, holding book in each hand, falls forward off seat of lectern, from which another book is falling.
Below is Pisces.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 49r

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 49v

Download image: 
Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Moon (Moon in his House), and Zodiac Sign: Cancer -- Moon, inscribed LUNA, wearing hood, standing beside tree, holds spear in right hand.
Below is Cancer.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 50r

Download image: 
Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Moon (Moon in his Counter House), and Zodiac Sign: Capricornus -- Beside tree, Moon, with pouch at waist, with spear over shoulders and held in right hand, bends backward toward ground and small moon with inscribed face.
Below is Capricornus.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 50v

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Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Moon (Moon in Exaltation), and Zodiac Sign: Taurus -- Beside tree, Moon, with large hooked nose, wearing hood, holding spear as walking stick, looks toward moon inscribed with face.
Below is Taurus.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 51r

Download image: 
Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Personification: Moon (Moon in Dejection), and Zodiac Sign: Scorpio -- Moon, holding spear in right hand, falls backward toward grapevine.
Below is Scorpio.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, fol. 51v

Download image: 
Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785
Page description: 

Inscription stating CE LIVRE ET AU DUC DU DE BERRI, above monogram of John, Duke of Berry (Jean de Berry). Below is second inscription stating LUBERTUS ABBAS BRUGENSIS PREDICTAS YMAGINES ATQUE FIGURAS ORDINAVIT.


Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, rear endleaf 1 recto (foliated 52)

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, rear endleaf 1 verso

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, rear endleaf 2 recto (foliated 53)

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, rear endleaf 2 verso

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, rear endleaf 3 recto (foliated 54)

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, rear endleaf 3 verso

Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, inside back cover

Download image: 
Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021

MS M.785, back cover

Download image: 
Abū Maʻshar

Astrological treatises

Bruges, Belgium
early 15th century, in or before 1403
254 x 175 mm

Purchased in 1935

MS M.785

Photography by Pixel Acuity, 2021