The two patriotic duchess's on their canvass

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Thomas Rowlandson
The two patriotic duchess's on their canvass
image: 248 x 197 mm; sheet: 279 x 213 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2474
[London] : Pubd May 6th 1784 by M. Darchery St James's Street, [1784]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Printmaker from the British Museum online catalog.
Below caption title: Requesting the favour of an early Poll.
A different issue of George no. 6494 in the collections of the British Museum, with the imprint of Elizabeth D'Archery.


The Duchess of Devonshire embraces a good-looking young butcher, their lips are about to meet; her right arm is round his shoulders, with her left hand she slips a purse into his breeches pocket. His right hand is on her waist. Behind him is the butcher's stall with joints of meat, a chopping-block, and cleaver. The stall partly conceals the Duchess of Portland holding by the shoulders another young butcher who turns his back and rejects her overtures. The ladies wear riding-habits and hats trimmed with ostrich feathers and a fox's brush with a large Fox favour. Cf. British Museum online catalog.

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