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New York 1969
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New York 1971
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New York 1974
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New York 1981
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, European Drawings 1375–1825, edited by Cara D. Denison and Helen B. Mules, 1981.

New York 1985
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New York 1987
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New York 2003
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Leonardo da Vinci: Master Draftsman, cat.alogue by Carmen C. Bambach, 2003.

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The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, From Leonardo to Pollock: Master Drawings From the Morgan Library, catalogue by Rhoda Eitel-Porter et al., 2006.

New York 2006a
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Raphael at the Metropolitan Museum: The Colonna Altarpiece, catalogue by Linda Wolk-Simon, 2006.

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The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, Drawing Connections: Baselitz, Kelly, Penone, Rockburne, and the Old Masters, catalogue by Isabelle Dervaux, 2007.

New York 2008
The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, Michelangelo, Vasari, and Their Contemporaries: Drawings from the Uffizi, catalogue by Annamaria Petrioli Tofani, 2008.

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The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, The Thaw Collection of Master Drawings: Acquisitions Since 2002, catalogue by Rhoda Eitel-Porter et al., 2009.

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The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, Mannerism and Modernism: The Kasper Collection of Drawings and Photographs, catalogue by Jordan Bear et al., 2011.

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