Dumourier dining in state at St. James's on the 15th of May, 1793 / Js. Gy. desn. et fect. pro bono publico.

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James Gillray
Dumourier dining in state at St. James's on the 15th of May, 1793 / Js. Gy. desn. et fect. pro bono publico.
[London] : Pubd March 30th, 1793 by H Humphrey, No 18 Old Bond Street, [1793]
Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987.
[London] : Pubd. March 30th, 1793 by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street, [1793]
From the library of Gordon N. Ray.

Print shows Dumouriez sitting in a gothic chair (reminiscent of the Coronation chair), at the royal dinner-table. Three cooks advance towards him, wearing bonnets-rouges with tricolour cockades, aprons, and over-sleeves. They are Fox, the foremost, proffering the steaming head of Pitt; at his belt, in place of a cook's knife, hangs a dagger. Sheridan, on Fox's left, proffers a dish on which steams a broken royal crown. On the extreme left Priestley enters in profile to the right, holding up a dish containing a mitre. The dishes have a garnish of frogs. All look with eager courtesy towards Dumouriez, who sits with famished expectancy, a dagger in one hand, a fork in the other. He is much caricatured, thin, and unshaven, with straggling hair and long pigtail. He wears a large feather-trimmed cocked hat, lace ruffles, a gold-laced and ragged military tunic, a tattered shirt over bare legs.

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