Satire on a subscription raised at the Crown and Anchor with the aim of assisting Fox with his debts and financial embarrassments.
Print shows Fox, as a beggar, holding out his bonnet rouge to the door of the 'Crown & Anchor' tavern to catch the shower of dishonoured paper which the talons of the Devil are scattering; smoke and flames issue from the doorway. From Fox's coat-pocket project a dice-box and cards, the Knave of Clubs uppermost; he holds under his coat a dagger which drips blood. Behind him are his needy followers: Sheridan (a pair of pistols in his coat-pocket), M. A. Taylor, and Horne Tooke immediately behind him, also clutching concealed daggers and holding out their bonnets rouges. Close behind these are Hall the apothecary, Priestley, and Lord Stanhope, whose attitudes show that they too are clasping daggers and proffering caps for alms. From Hall's pocket protrude a syringe and a medicine-bottle labelled 'W. Pitt.' Three other heads are indicated. The Devil's words issue from the door among flames: "Dear Sir Seldom have I experienced more heart-felt pleasure "than now in executing the wishes of my Committee ... [etc.]. Fox answers: "Dear Sir - You will easily believe, that it is not "mere form of words when I say, that I am wholly at a loss how "to express my feelings upon the Charity which you are now in so kind a "manner showering upon me, - In my wretched situation, to receive such a proof "of the esteem of the Committee, - to be reliev'd at once from Contempt & Beggary! ... [etc.]. Behind him, Sheridan is saying: "Make haste, Charley! - make haste! - make haste! - for I long to have my turn come on; - I have been a Greek Emigrant a hell of a while, & relief could never come more seasonable ... [etc.]. The papers pouring into Fox's cap are inscribed 'Forged Notes', 'Swindlers Notes', 'Jews Bonds', 'Bankrupts Notes', 'Country Bank', 'Gamblers Notes', 'Blue & Buff Bonds', and 'Forfeited Mortgages'.