The advantages of travel, or, "A little learning is a dangerous thing." plate 2 / etched by G. Ck.

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George Cruikshank
The advantages of travel, or, "A little learning is a dangerous thing." plate 2 / etched by G. Ck.
hand colored etching
image: 248 x 345 mm; sheet: 264 x 360 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1998
London : G Humphrey 24 St James's Street, 1824.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Lettered with title, artist's name and publication line "I/- etched by G. Ck/ London Pubd June 14th 1824 by G Humphrey 24 St James's Street."
One of a numbered pair on the subject of travel and foreign cuisine, with the same signatures and imprint.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.


A similar scene to plate 1 of Cruikshank's pair of cartoons on "The advantages of travel." On a London street, a tailor meets a Frenchified friend, who fingers his high stock. The dialogue: Ah! Jack--! How are you?--Devilish well--just crost the water--been to Paris!--Well & how did 'ye like the Cooking?--Confounded good--'pon my soul--Liked their Harrico-Blong-best--What's Harrico Blong! Why you know what Harrico--is don't ye?--To be sure! It's Mutton Chops & Carrots & Turnips--with wedgables--Very well then! That's it & Blong--you know's the name o' the first Cook as made it. The tailor, instead of the lean slippered fellow of earlier prints, is fat and almost well-dressed (though vulgar), with a watch-chain and seal. He holds a bag; scissors, tape, and pattern-book project from his pocket. On the edge of the pavement facing the houses, partly cut off by the right margin, is a sandwich-man, the first in these prints; besides the usual placard on a pole, he has a board on his back. He is an old sailor with a wooden leg, and ragged, contemptuously amused at the couple. On his placard: Paris & Dover Cheap & Expeditious Traveling Reduced Fares. The board (half): Cov(?) Birm[ingha]) Boar & ... Bull ... White. A bull-dog walks on the pavement. On the left a couple (French or French costume) walk arm-in-arm. Behind are two shops, [1] Bonbons--Patissier--et-Confisseur [sic]. Bottles and jelly-glasses are in the window, with notices: Jellies; Glaces; Diner a la Carte; Dejeune a la Fourchette. Above is a cockatoo in a cage. [2] J. Bullock's Eating House--Alamode Beef. A fat cook stands in the doorway laughing at the two men. Above the door: Genteel Dining Rooms Up Stairs. The window is filled with Hams, Tongues. In a smaller window on the right of the door is a notice: Attics to Lett. Notice-boards lean against the front of the building: [1] Humbug Theatre--Travellers Benighted--Bumo--Chapter of Blunders. [2] Sadl[er's] We[lls]. [3] Hamiltonion [sic] Lectures--Manager's Last Kick--Real Asses. On the extreme left is a (gas) lamp-post of a type prevalent (1950) in smaller London streets. On the wall: F.P. 15 ft, and the sun disk of the Sun Fire Office. Cf. BM Satires.

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