The advantages of travel, or, "A little learning is a dangerous thing." plate 1 / etched by G. Ck.

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George Cruikshank
The advantages of travel, or, "A little learning is a dangerous thing." plate 1 / etched by G. Ck.
hand colored etching
image: 250 x 343 mm; sheet: 272 x 366 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1997
London : G Humphrey 24 St James's Street, 1824.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Lettered with title, artist's name and publication line "I/- etched by G. Ck/ London Pubd June 14th 1824 by G Humphrey 24 St James's Street."
One of a numbered pair on the subject of travel and foreign cuisine, with the same signatures and imprint.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.


Two Frenchmen, raffish and cockneyfied, face each other in a cobbled Paris street. Their conversation is below the title: Comment se porte mon amie? [sic]--Moi--I am jost come from de England--Aha, you vas jost come from de England! Den how you like de Bif?--Le Bif roté is charmant à Londres! Yase dat is vrai--bote je prefare le Rum-Tek!--Le Rum-Tek! vat is de Rum Tek?--Voyez vous--it is toujours de Bif Tek--Mais--bote--dau--call it Rum tek--ba--cause day pote de Rum in de Sauce. The last speaker demonstrates with an exotic gesture; the other gapes at him clasping a huge umbrella, the ferrule erect. A shaved poodle scampers off. The ground-floors of two adjacent shops form a background. In the doorway of one an elegant waiter leans negligently, watching the colloquy with a quizzical smile. The window is filled with fruit, &c., and notices: Ici on Parle L'Anglois, Welch Rabbit, Biftek, Ponche à la Romaine, Dejeuné à la Fourchette, Diner a la Carte. A little ragged boy gazes in. Above: Jargon. Restaurateur. Billard. Above this are crossed billiard-cues with three balls. On the adjacent wall (right) are placards: Diner ... 50 Sous ... Pain a discretion; Dejeuné 10 Sous. The adjacent establishment (right) is more modest: in the window are bottles and long loaves; a pane is cracked. Above: C Grenouille--Traiteur--Ici on donne à boire et à manger a tout prix. A man and woman (?English) walk past this window; they turn to stare with amusement at two men. On the wall are municipal signs A.G. (left) and P.A.C.I. (right). Cf. BM Satires.

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