Library's copy is not hand colored.
Sheridan, as Punch, grotesquely caricatured, stands on a platform, above the heads of a cheering crowd, blowing soap-bubbles. Clusters of soap-suds fall from the pipe, and from it rises an oval containing a figure of Young Roscius, in Highland dress as Douglas in Home's play. The boy, breathing fire, holds out a coral and bells, striding arrogantly over decollated heads inscribed "Exit Garrick - Kemble - Cooke". Other actors, freely indicated, stagger back from the young conqueror, over whose head are the words "Veni. Vidi Vici." Sheridan's pipe is irradiated against a dark sky. From the pipe, and a source of some of the rays, project little trumpets with banners inscribed respectively: "Times", "Morning Chronicle", "True Briton", "Sunday Observer", "Herald". From each issue the words (sometimes repeated): "Roscius!" followed sometimes by faintly-drawn ciphers. Sheridan gazes up at his huge bubble. He is bloated and pimpled; his head sunk between hump and paunch. His dress is striped, his contour defined by close-set buttons, ound his paunch is twisted a tricolour sash; a tricolour cockade decorates is hat, which has a conical crown, curved brim, and erect feather. His pocket angs inside out, patched and empty. The cheering crowd (r.) fling coins to the platform, on which lie two pamphlets: "Account of the Profits of the Bubble" and "Petition of the Renters for a Share in the profits of the Bubble'" Behind Sheridan lies the dog, "Carlo", hero of "The Caravan". Beside Carlo is a padlocked money-box: "Drury Lane Strong Box".