Histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant (The Story of Babar), Maquette
Gift of Laurent, Mathieu, and Thierry de Brunhoff, and purchased with the assistance of The Florence Gould Foundation and the Acquisitions Fund, Fellows Endowment Fund, Gordon N. Ray Fund, and the Heineman Fund, 2004
And yet Babar is not entirely happy: he can no longer play in the great forest with his little cousins and his friends, the monkeys. He often stands at the window thinking about the great forest, and he cries when he remembers his mother. / Meanwhile 2 little elephants escape faraway from the forest, running as fast as they can.
Pourtant Babar n'est pas t[ou]t à fait heureux: il ne peut plus jouer dans la grande forêt avec ses petits cousins et ses amis les singes. Souvent à la fenêtre il rêve en pensant à la grande forêt et pleure en se rappelant sa maman. / Pendant ce temps 2 petits éléphants se sauvent loin de la forêt et courent de toutes leurs forces.
Pourtant Babar n'est pas tout à fait heureux: il ne peut plus jouer dans la grande forêt avec ses petits cousins et ses amis les singes. Souvent, à la fenêtre, il rêve en pensant à son enfance, et pleure en se rappelant sa maman.
And yet Babar is not entirely happy, for he can no longer play in the great forest with his little cousins and his friends, the monkeys. He often stands at the window, thinking of his childhood, and cries when he remembers his mother.
Note: p. 17 of the maquette does not appear in the published edition.