Histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant (The Story of Babar), Maquette
Gift of Laurent, Mathieu, and Thierry de Brunhoff, and purchased with the assistance of The Florence Gould Foundation and the Acquisitions Fund, Fellows Endowment Fund, Gordon N. Ray Fund, and the Heineman Fund, 2004
Babar goes to say good-bye to the Old Lady, kisses her, and gives her his signed photograph. / Babar packs his trunk. The Old Lady brings him some cookies for the trip and helps him close his trunk. She is very sad.
Babar va dire au revoir à la vieille dame, l'embrasse et lui donne sa photo avec sa signature. / Babar fait sa malle. La vieille dame lui apporte des gâteaux pour le voyage et l'aide à fermer sa malle. Elle est très triste.
Babar se décide à partir avec Arthur, Céleste et leurs mamans, et à revoir la grande forêt. Aidé par la vieille dame, il fait sa malle. / Tout est prêt pour le départ. Babar embrasse sa vieille amie. S'il n'avait pas le chagrin de la laisser, il serait tout à fait heureux de partir. Il lui promet de revenir. Jamais il ne l'oubliera.
Babar makes up his mind to go back with Arthur and Celeste and their mothers to see the great forest again. The Old Lady helps him to pack his trunk. / Everything is ready for their departure. Babar kisses his old friend. He would be quite happy to go if it were not for leaving her. He promises to come back some day. He will never forget her.