Histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant (The Story of Babar), Maquette
Gift of Laurent, Mathieu, and Thierry de Brunhoff, and purchased with the assistance of The Florence Gould Foundation and the Acquisitions Fund, Fellows Endowment Fund, Gordon N. Ray Fund, and the Heineman Fund, 2004
Well satisfied with his purchases and feeling very elegant indeed, Babar goes to have his photograph taken. / Photo of Babar
Très content de ses achats et satisfait de son élégance Babar va se faire photographier. / Photo de Babar
Très content de ses achats et satisfait de son élégance, Babar va chez le photographe. / Et voilà sa photographie.
Well satisfied with his purchases and feeling very elegant indeed, Babar goes to the photographer's studio. / And here is his photograph.