Histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant (The Story of Babar), Maquette
Gift of Laurent, Mathieu, and Thierry de Brunhoff, and purchased with the assistance of The Florence Gould Foundation and the Acquisitions Fund, Fellows Endowment Fund, Gordon N. Ray Fund, and the Heineman Fund, 2004
He sees Babar sees some gentlemen on the street. He thinks they are really very well dressed. He, too, would very much like to have such fine clothes—but how? can he do it? Luckily, a very rich old lady who has always been fond of little elephants sees his problem and gives him her purse. Babar says to her, "Thank you, ma'am."
Dans la rue il voit Babar voit des messieurs. Il trouve qu'ils sont vraiment très bien habillés. Il voudrait bien avoir aussi un beau costume—mais comment ? faire? / Heureusement une vieille dame très riche qui aimait beaucoup les petits éléphants voyant son embarras lui donne son porte-monnaie. Babar lui dit: " Merci, madame. "
Que de choses nouvelles! Ces belles avenues! Ces autos et ces autobus! Pourtant ce qui intéresse le plus Babar, ce sont deux messieurs qu'il rencontre dans la rue. Il pense: « Vraiment ils sont très bien habillés. Je voudrais bien avoir aussi un beau costume. . . . » Mais comment faire??? / Heureusement une vieille dame très riche, qui aimait beaucoup les petits éléphants, comprend en le regardant qu'il a envie d'un bel habit. Comme elle aime faire plaisir elle lui donne son porte-monnaie. Babar lui dit: « Merci, Madame. »
So many things are new to him! The broad streets! The automobiles and buses! However, Babar is especially interested in two gentlemen he notices on the street. He says to himself: "Really, they are very well dressed. I would like to have some fine clothes, too. . . . " But how can he do it??? / Luckily, a very rich old lady who has always been fond of little elephants understands right away that he is longing for a fine suit. As she likes to make people happy, she gives him her purse. Babar says to her, "Thank you, ma'am."