England and France contrasted

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James Gillray
England and France contrasted
image: 307 x 483 mm; sheet: 355 x 507 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2250
[London] : [published not identified], [1793]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Attributed to Gillray by BM Satires.
An unfinished print evidently abandoned by the artist in an early state, with the finishing details obviously lacking, especially noticeable on the figures, some of which have faces that have been left blank.
Gillray's unpublished designs for this plate eventually served as the basis for a pair of prints issued by G. Humphrey, 25 March 1822, as "Lawful Liberty" and "Lawless Liberty."
Library's copy partially trimmed within plate mark.


A pair of companion designs on a single plate placed side by side; the first showing, at left, a harvest celebration outside a village inn, with a young man, in shirtsleeves, a sickle thrust through his belt, dancing with a young gleaner who holds corn in her apron. Beside them is the sign of the inn, a wheat-sheaf tied to the upright post. An older man dances, facing him, holding up a frothing jug in one hand, a glass in the other. An old man in the foreground (right), seated on a low stool, plays the pipe and tabor, a little girl leaning against his shoulder. Beside him are a frothing beer jug, rake, and pitch-forks. Behind is the door of the inn, in which is the landlord, bringing out two frothing jugs to harvesters at a table beside the door: a couple kiss, two men have tankards. In the background is a barn, a cart laden with sheaves, and in the distance (left) the sea with ships in full sail. The second design, at right, shows a scene in Paris, in front of the high doorway of a building, over which is a (broken) escutcheon with fleurs-de-lis and a crown. From a projecting lamp-bracket hang a man and woman, back to back, an infant hanging from the woman's neck. On it sits a man playing a fiddle and wearing a cocked hat. A ragged sansculotte with an evil smile seizes a despairing woman whom he has dragged from the building. An old aristocrat kneels on one knee (left), holding out a purse towards the ravisher, regardless of a man who stands over him with dagger raised to strike. A monk kneels with clasped hands, a stout virago raises a chalice to smite him; in a pocket in her ragged petticoat are two daggers. A man holds a crucifix with which he is about to brain the monk. Two men carry plunder from the building. Behind (right) is a mob with pikes and in the distance a large domed church is on fire. In the foreground (right) lie the naked bodies of two infants (unfinished) impaled on a spit

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