The zenith of French glory; - the pinnacle of liberty / Js. Gy. desn. et fect. - pro bono publico.

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James Gillray
The zenith of French glory; - the pinnacle of liberty / Js. Gy. desn. et fect. - pro bono publico.
hand colored etching
image: 35 x 24.3 cm; plate: 35.5 x 25 cm; sheet: 36.2 x 25.7 cm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2814
[London] : H. Humphrey, 1793.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

On the level of the eye, but high above a square in which the guillotine is at work, bodies dangle from lamp-brackets projecting from the wall of a high building on the right. A bishop in his robes and two monks, their hands tied, hang close together from the horizontal bar. On the lantern sits a ragged, bare-legged sansculotte playing a fiddle, looking down with smiling triumph at the crowd; he is in back view, his bony right foot planted on the head of the dead bishop. The high scaffold is surrounded by a sea of bonnets-rouges, waving exultantly as the guillotine falls on Louis XVI. A ragged and grinning sansculotte hauls at the wheel which releases the blade (on which is a crown). From the guillotine flies a tricolour flag inscribed 'Vive l'Égalité. Ragged sansculottes holding spears stand on the scaffold. The windows of the adjoining houses are crowded with spectators.

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