The intent behind this drawing is to depict an elegant vessel that could navigate canals. Below the image of the canopied boat with its oarsmen and crew are the measurements of the vessel. The significant size of the sheet and the use of colored washes indicate the ambition of its creator.
Inscribed in pen and brown ink below image, Longeur du canot--21 pieds / Largeur--6 pieds six pouces / hauteur de bordee au milieu du dessus la quille au plafond--2 pieds deux pouces / on luy a donne les proportions pour [?] [?] les canals qui a 32 pieds de largeur et a quatre pieds de profondeur. Inscribed on verso in pen and brown ink, now veiled by lining, Cinquante huit [paraph], canceled; cinquante huit [paraph], canceled; Cinquante huit [illegible] [paraph].
McCrindle, Joseph F., former owner.