Believed by Janos Scholz to be a counterproof of a drawing by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, but actually having nothing to do with any other drawing by the Tiepolo family. Instead, this was a reused piece of paper (now believed to be a counterproof of a drawing by a French artist, and akin to the Watteau copies after Domenico Tiepolo) that held a large group of Tiepolo drawings the de Mestral collection. When Scholz bought a set of ex-de Mestral Tiepolo drawings from Rene de Cerenville, this sheet came with them.
Inscribed on verso, on left half of fold, in black chalk, "Dessins de Tiepolo"; numbered in graphite, 13"; on other half of fold, in graphite, "Disegni / da Tiepolo figlio invent... / o copiati del Padre"; in black ink, illegible; in pen and brown ink, "160 a / in[?] / go"; on folded sheet of laid paper in which counterproof is contained, in pencil, "Dessins / de / Jean Baptiste Tiepolo / et de / Jean-Dominiquin Tiepolo / [de/u?] Tiepoletto"; below that, in pencil, "Men...[illegible] Henri[?] de Mestral // with arrow pointing to previous inscription, in the hand of János Scholz, "René de Cérenville's hand // This and the enclosed folder came from the de Mestral family. / the curly[?] one is [the] original w[r]apper for Tiepolo drawings, / the "calques" are after G.B. Tiepolo.- / János Scholz".
Watermark: Letters, possibly "A V" "S"?
St.-Saphorin, Armand-François-Louis de Mestral de, 1738-1805, former owner.
Cérenville, Ferdinand de, former owner.
Cérenville, René de, former owner.
Scholz, János, former owner.