Literary and Historical Manuscripts

A confession to be made by John Aspland of Witcham : manuscript penance, 1595 Mar.

A confession to be made by John Tims of Sutton : manuscript penance, 1594 July [24].

A confession to be made by Katharine Oliver of Parson Drove the wife W[illia]m Oliver : manuscript penance, 1595 Aug. 7.

A confession to be made by Rychard Carnaby of Wysbitche St. Peters : manuscript penance, 1594 July 26.

1594 July 26.
MA 665.7

A confession to be made by Thomas Sowthe of Borowgreene : manuscript penance, 1596 Nov.

A confession to be made by William Serient of Waterbeache : manuscript penance, 1586 Jan. 27.

A confession to be made by W[illia]m Drew of Newton : manuscript penance, 1594 July 6.

A Connoisseur : autograph manuscript of a poem signed, [1919-1930?].

Blunden, Edmund, 1896-1974.
MA 5141.8

A Copy of Ordnance, Mortarpieces and other Stores and Ammunition of War sent with His Grace the Duke of Ormond to Cadiz : contemporary manuscript copy, 1702.

Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1665-1745.
MA Unassigned

A copy of the dittay or indictm[en]t of the Earle Bothwell upon the murder of the L[or]d Darnley K of Scotland : manuscript copy of a document, [1567].