Endorsed "This confession was made by John Tymnes the XXXth day of March 1595. Witnesseth Henr[y] Faux."
Probably written, signed and addressed "To my lovinge frend the Vycare or Curate of Sutton thes" in Cambridge, and endorsed in Sutton.
With trace of a seal.
This document appears to be a citation announcing the sentence of the Consistory Court.--Cf. Hall, p. 264.
Part of a collection of 14 penances enjoined upon members of Protestant congregations in the diocese of Ely (MA 665-1-14); 5 maps of Cambridgeshire (MA 665.15-19); and 1 leaf on Ely from Philemon Holland's English translation of William Camden's Britain (MA 665.20). Items are cataloged individually in 20 records.
Requiring John Tims to stand before the congregation of Sutton on "the xxxth daie of March next cominge" (30 March 1595) and confess "I suffered my horse and carte to work upon Easter Mundaie in the morninge praire time, and also ... I have bene a comon swearer."