Joyce's Youth
Joyce's father, John Stanislaus Joyce
Joyce's mother, May Murray Joyce
University College Dublin
"Planetary Music"
The Day of the Rabblement
A Young Poet
The Holy Office
Chamber Music
Out by Donnycarney
Joyce's letter to a composer about Dubliners
Gas from a Burner
Nora Barnacle
A Letter from Joyce to Nora
The Joyce Family
The Marriage of James and Nora
Joyce's Lectures on Hamlet
A Model for Leopold Bloom
Greeks Bring Good Luck
Exiles: A Play in Three Acts
Ezra Pound Introduces Himself
I Hear an Army
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Harriet Shaw Weaver and her Printers
Writing Ulysses: An Endlessly Changing Surface
Molly Bloom and Nora's Style
Thom's Dublin Directory
Writing Ulysses
Ulysses from Beginning to End
The Schema of Ulysses
Embryological Chart for "Oxen of the Sun"
Music in "Sirens"
The Joyces and O'Sullivans Around the Piano
A Mosaic Piece from "Sirens"
"Sirens": The Fair Copy
John Quinn
Typescript of "Sirens" for the Little Review
The Personal Politics of "Cyclops"
Censoring "Cyclops" in the Little Review
"Cyclops" and Borus Hupinkoff
Publishing Ulysses
Ulysses in the Little Review
The Case Against "Nausicaa"
Ulysses in Paris
Sylvia Beach
Shakespeare and Company
Signboard for Shakespeare and Company
Prospectus for the First Edition of Ulysses
J. Pierpont Morgan's Nephew Subscribes
Letter of Protest from a Printer
Getting the Right Blue on the Cover
Publication Day
Ulysses Account Rendered
Joyce's Recording of Ulysses
Adrienne Monnier's Déjeuner "Ulysse"
Édouard Dujardin
Ulysses in London
Wyndham Lewis's Portrait of Harriet Shaw Weaver
An Egoist Copy Saved from the Fire
Ulysses in New York
Judge Woolsey's Book Review
The Random House Edition
Ernst Reichl
Now You Can Read Ulysses
The Scandal of Ulysses
Virginia Woolf Responds
George Antheil
Jorge Luis Borges
Henri Matisse
Vladimir Nabokov
Ralph Ellison
Robert Motherwell
Spencer Finch
The Wake: Joyce's Later Life
Brancusi's Portrait of Joyce
Brancusi's Symbol of Joyce
Samuel Beckett and Our Exagmination
Finnegans Wake
Recording Anna Livia Plurabelle
Lucia Joyce
Lucia Joyce in Ostend
Pomes Penyeach: "Lucia's Book"
Storiella as She Is Syung
Lucia Joyce's Cover for The Mime
Joyce's Eyeglasses
Joyce's Calling Card and Cane
Augustus John's Portrait of Joyce
Joyce and Paul Léon