The grand review on Sydenham Common

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Isaac Cruikshank
The grand review on Sydenham Common
image: 286 x 448 mm; sheet: 310 x 448 mm
Peel 3408
[London] : Pub. June 28, 1792, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly, [1792]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Title from item.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.
Two lines of text below title: The Prince and his party were drove to the summit of a hill ...


The King, sword in hand and wearing regimentals, leads a party of officers in pursuit of three fleeing officers (right): Fox holding a musket is in the centre, with the Prince of Wales, holding a sabre on his right, and (?) Charles Grey (or perhaps, from the length of his nose, Lord Stanhope) on his left. Sheridan has fallen and lies on his back, his sabre beside him. Between the pursuers and the pursued is a rough bank with bushes. Immediately behind the King is Pitt firing at the fugitives. Two young officers behind him are smiling. On the extreme left is Burke, rigid and austere, shouldering his musket. The Foxites wear the plumed helmets of yeomanry or light dragoons (their first appearance in these prints); the King and his party wear cocked hats of the Ramillies type. In the distance are platoons of firing men, cannon and (right) a line of mounted men. Clouds of smoke extend across the sky. Cf. British Museum online catalog.

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