Title from item.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.
A caricature of the famous scene in the House of Commons on 28 December 1792. Burke (right) stands in profile to the left, his hands extended, having just thrown down the dagger, which lies at his feet; he looks with a contemptuous frown at Pitt and Dundas, who are seated on the Treasury Bench (left). On the extreme left the Speaker is represented by his hat, wig, and gown; his headlessness perhaps indicates Gillray's opinion of Addington. On the opposite side of the table Fox clutches his hat, looking at Burke out of the corners of his eyes with an alarmed expression; Sheridan, equally alarmed, clutches Fox's shoulder; behind them sits M. A. Taylor, clasping his hands. Pitt, seated in profile to the right, very thin, with his hair rising on his head in terror.