Non commission officers embarking for Botany Bay .

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John Boyne
Non commission officers embarking for Botany Bay .
Peel 3328
[London] : Publishd as the Act directs Novr 1ts, 1786 by H. Humphreys Bond St & E. Hedges N 92 Cornhill, [1786]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Title from item.
Companion print to Boyne's "Landing at Botany Bay" (BM Satires 6992).
Library's copy trimmed and cropped within plate mark, with presumed loss of imprint statement.


A ship's boat, containing the Prince of Wales and his friends, puts off from shore. In the stern is Sheridan clenching his fist at two Jewish men who kneel in supplication for payment of their debts. Behind them stands Perdita Robinson, her hair loose, her arms outstretched, also in despair at the departure. Captain Morris stands in the stern, pushing off with a boat-hook. George Hanger turns round to threaten the Jewish men with his shillelagh. In front of him sits a man (Erskine?) in legal gown and flowing wig, his face almost concealed. His wig is inscribed 'Leather Bag'. The two central figures are the Prince and Fox; the Prince sits astride a cask of 'Imperial Tokey', holding up a glass and looking reflectively towards the shore; Fox stands behind him, his hands resting on the hilt of a large sword inscribed 'chop Logic'. In the bows stands Burke, bending forward, his arms outstretched as if giving a benediction; he wears a monk's robe with a mitre in place of the usual biretta. At his feet sit North and Portland, wearing his coronet. Sheridan, Morris, and Fox wear armour and helmets; that of Sheridan is inscribed 'From Drury', that of Morris 'W Morris'; that of Fox is plumed, and decorated with a fox's head, a gallows, and the words 'We escape'. The Prince wears a fool's cap trimmed with his feathers. On the extreme left a gallows and a ship on a very small scale, inscribed 'Black Wall', are faintly indicated, showing that the departure is from Execution Dock where pirates and others were hanged. Cf. British Museum online catalog.
